MAN 336 Midterm: Behavioral Approaches to Leadership

35 views3 pages
29 Nov 2017

Document Summary

Task oriented leader behaviors involve structuring the roles of subordinates, providing them with instructions and behaving in ways that will increase the performance of the group. People oriented leader behaviors include showing concern for employee feelings and treating employees with respect. Task oriented behaviors are directives given to employees to get things done and to ensure that organizational goals are met. People oriented leaders genuinely care about the well being of their employees and they demonstrate their concern in their actions and decisions. Class notes: management (managing things) and leadership (inspiration) are not synonymous. Behavioral approaches to leadership show that task oriented and people oriented behaviors are two key aspects of leadership. Authoritarian decision making: leaders make the decision alone without necessarily involving employees in the decision making process. Democratic decision making: employees participate in the making of the decision. Laissez-faire decision making: leaders have employees alone to make the decision; the leader provides minimum guidance and involvement in action.