MAN 336 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Ikea, Departmentalization

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29 Nov 2017

Document Summary

Tall: several layers of management between frontline employees and the top level, fewer employees report to each manager, greater opportunities for managers to supervise and monitor employee activities. Flat: few management layers, larger number of employees reporting to each manager, can lead to greater levels of freedom for each employee. Companies such as ikea, the swedish furniture manufacturer and retailer, are successfully using flat structures within stores to build an employee attitude of job involvement and ownership. Organizations using functional structures group jobs based on similarity in functions: marketing, management, finance, accounting, human resources, information technology. In organizations using divisional structures, departments represent the unique products, services, customers, or geographic locations the company is serving: each unique product or service the company is producing will have its own department. Class notes: while (cid:449)e do ha(cid:448)e depart(cid:373)e(cid:374)ts, let"s (cid:373)ake sure they communicate with each other.