MAN 336 Midterm: Third Party Negotiations

25 views3 pages
29 Nov 2017

Document Summary

Third party negotiations are intended to help avoid a formal trial or hearing. Mediation: an outside third party (the mediator) enters the situation with the goal of assisting the parties to reach an agreement. Arbitration: a process that involves bringing in a third party, the arbitrator, who has the authority to act as a judge and make a binding decision to which both parties must adhere. Arbitration-mediation: an arbitrator makes a decision and places it in a sealed envelope. If they (cid:272)a(cid:374)(cid:374)ot rea(cid:272)h a(cid:374) agree(cid:373)e(cid:374)t, the ar(cid:271)itrator"s decision becomes binding. As a last resort, judges resolve conflicts. Usa is the highest court in america and consists of nine judges: Chief justice roberts (bottom center) and the 8 associate justices (left to right) alito, kennedy, sealila, thomas, souter, stevens, You k(cid:374)ow it"s ti(cid:373)e for a mediator whe(cid:374) . The parties are unable to find a solution themselves. Personal differences are standing in the way of a successful solution.