MAN 336 Midterm: Team Effectiveness

28 views3 pages
29 Nov 2017

Document Summary

They are satisfied with their team tasks, accomplishments, and interpersonal relationships: team viability- the members of an effective team are sufficiently satisfied to continue working well together on an ongoing basis. When one task is finished, they look forward to working on others in the future. The learning environment and the pool of experience within a team can be used to solve difficult and unique problems: this is especially helpful to newcomers, who often need help in their jobs. When team members support and help each other in acquiring and improving job competencies, they may even make up for deficiencies in organizational training systems: teams are also important sources of need satisfaction for their members. Opportunities for social interaction within a team can provide individuals with a sense of security through work assistance and technical advice: team members can also provide emotional support for one another in times of special crisis or pressure.