MAN 336 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Southwest Airlines, Organizational Culture, Social Capital

113 views3 pages
29 Nov 2017

Document Summary

To be most effective, culture must be firmly based on clear and widely communicated organizational values. Additionally, the expected behaviors associated with these values need to be well-known and celebrated. New employees must be recruited and selected based on their skills and how well they will fit with the organization. Managers at all levels must be held accountable for rewarding behaviors and practices that are consistent with the culture. Southwest airlines recognizes that employees are key to the organization"s strong culture. In fact, southwest airlines spends considerable time screening prospective employees on whether they will be a good fit to the culture. The reason having such a strong organizational culture is so important is that employees who embody this culture represent the primary experience that customers have with southwest airlines. These are important symbols, but they are not the culture itself.