EPPS 2301 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Grounded Theory, Null Hypothesis, Ecological Fallacy

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Alternative hypothesis a hypothesis paired with the null hypothesis that says an independent variable has a significant effect on a dependent variable. Attributes the categories or levels of a variable. Bricolage the process of mixing diverse source materials, applying disparate approaches, and assembling bits and pieces, using them in creative ways to accomplish a pragmatic task. Causal hypothesis has at least 2 variables, expresses a cause-effect relationship, can be expressed as a prediction, logical link between hypothesis and theory, falsifiable. Double-barreled hypothesis confusing and poorly designed hypothesis with two independent variable in which it is unclear whether one or the other variable or both in combination produce an effect. Ecological fallacy error in explanation which empirical data about associations found among large scale unites of analysis are greatly overgeneralized and treated as evidence for statements about relationships among smaller units. First-order interpretation from the point of view of the people being studied.