PSCI 4356- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 20 pages long!)

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Cfius - committee on foreign investment in the united states: they can decide any fdi has national security implications and deny it, often actually rm vs rm battles taking place in the government. Wagner"s law: wealthier countries have bigger governments as % of gdp, post-materialism, people that grew up with basic needs met demand more luxury goods, start to care about non-individual factors (environment, etc. ) Rodrick argues this also is true in globalized countries: dealing with the shocks of globalization. Monetarist revolution leads to believe in ation provides no permanent gains: supply side of money, thatcher-reagan revolution, pursuit of price stability in the 1980s. Viii. central bank independence: reducing political in uence on central banks, trends toward lower in ation, but not necessarily higher growth or lower unemployment, less true in the developing world, where legal independence is less directly related to actual independence.