PBRL 270 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Disposable And Discretionary Income, Local Tv Llc, Millennials

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*influence parents" buying decisions, have own purchasing power, & will mature into adult consumer. *youth market (ages 15-24) has over billion of purchasing power. *generation y (people born after 1980) succeeds generation x (people born between 1965 & 1980) *ages 65 or older; sometimes includes age 50 & older. *form important opinion group & consumer market with special interests. *less easily convinced than young adults & demand value in things they buy. *most discretionary income; hold 70% of country"s assets. *account for 80% of commercial vacation travel, especially cruises. *which audiences make the most purchasing decisions, have the most discretionary income to spend and/or are more influenced by relationships than the media (ch. *which media are most effective for reaching which audience & what topic (ch. >local print & broadcast media reach diverse publics because they have high credibility. >campaigns should incorporate concepts of word-of-mouth communication to reach influentials in each targeted public.