POLS 330 Study Guide - Fifth Amendment To The United States Constitution, Homeland Security Act, Signing Statement

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29 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Number of signing statements began to increase beginning with reagan. Before (1789-2000) bush, fewer than 600 charges after bush, over 1200. Mccain amendment prohibits cruel and unusual punishment. Unitary executive doctrine theory that the pres has the power to control the execution of the powers the president is given in the constitution. Inspector general pres signed the law, issued a signing statement that told him not to investigate anything already going on and that the ig have to go through the executive branch first. Homeland security act recognized that the government was not organized. Reorganized the government; some agencies abolished or consolidated. Congress put into the law some deadlines (wanted it done quickly) 9/11 commission family members of the victims got them to pass this. Pres signed it, but issued signing statement citing the right to withhold info. Pres reserved the right to not follow that amendment. Definitive constitutional interpretation should be limited to the sc not the pres.