PSYC 360 Midterm: Study Guide Ch2 Exam2

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30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Chapter 2: the self in a social world: compare and contrast the false consensus effect and the false uniqueness effect. A: schematic processing, shortcuts (heuristics) are cognitive reasons. A: we are better at predicting other"s behavior, or think of past times and try to recall how you felt or what you did. We often mis-want things; we always want things a lot more than we actually do. We overestimate the enduring impact of emotion causing events. Sometimes we can predict our behaviors, emotions, and feelings, however sometimes we can mispredict: be familiar with berglas and jones" study on self-handicapping (this comes from the text). One experiment was said to concern drugs and intellectual performance. they did this study on duke university participants. One drug would aid intellectual performance and the other will inhibit it. Most students wanted the drug that would supposedly disrupt their thinking and thus provide a handy excuse for anticipated poorer performance.