PLIR 1010 Study Guide - Final Guide: North American Free Trade Agreement, Cuban Missile Crisis, Gulf War

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In your answer, be sure to give examples from the readings or lecture, and consider possible objections to your argument. Thesis: international institutions can promote cooperation among states by reducing the transaction costs of cooperation, lengthening the shadow of the future, and freely transmitting information. Reason 1: reduce the costs of joint decision-making (a form of lowering transaction costs) Institutions routinize decision-making, avoid conflicts, and reduce the costs. Example: cars driving on a road without institution would have to negotiate with each car about what side of the road to drive on (fls 66). United nations is a forum in which countries can come together to deliberate and attempt to resolve disagreements (has undertaken 61 peacekeeping operations). Reason 2: set standards of behavior. (a way of lengthening the shadow of the future) Clear standards make it easier for others to determine whether or not an actor is violating an agreement and allows them to enforce punishments against these defectors.