PLIR 1010 Study Guide - Final Guide: Democratic Peace Theory, Bargaining, Falsifiability

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Essay options: war wouldn"t happen if no one. Agreeing: hobbes (leviathan 1651): thought the state of nature was the state of. Counter: bargaining theory states that, assuming all actors are rational, there will always be a bargaining range. However, considering once again that all actors are rational, each will seek a dominant strategy. In the prisoners dilemma, and many other situations, the domi- nant strategy is. War costs 50, so if it costs 30 to bargain, they: when offense-defense differentiation is high. Falsifiable: the ability to refute a theory (meaning we can imagine evidence which would provide arguments against a theory) For example, by the problem of induction, no number of confirming observations can verify a universal generalization, such as all swans are white, yet it is logically pos- sible to falsify it by observing a single black swan. Thus, the term falsifiability is some- times synonymous to testability.