PSS 021- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 19 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Studies distribution and abundance of nature, as well as why. Explain processes that determine the distribution, diversity, and abundance of organisms. Ecology studies the short-term (proximate) answers for the diversity and abundance of organism. Evolutionary biologists study the long-term (ultimate) answers for the interaction between organisms and their environment. The role or function of an organism in its ecosystem. Interrelationship of species in an ecosystem, all the abiotic an biotic factors affecting it. The intentional or unintentional role of an organism in its own evolution through its interaction with its ecosystem. The science or practice of farming including cultivation of the soil for the growing of crops and the rearing of animals to provide food. Take into account the fact that sunlight conversion to biomass is inefficient. Reduce the amount of competition for nutrients (pulling weeds, etc. ) The sun must provide energy for us to maximize efficiency, which in turn wastes a certain amount of energy.