COM ARTS 100 Midterm: Exam 1 Outline

52 views9 pages
30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Speaker: person presenting an oral message to a listener. Message: what speaker communicates to someone else. Channel: means by which a message is communicated. Feedback: messages, usually nonverbal, sent from listener to speaker. Interference: anything that impedes communication of the message: internal: occurs with audience members, external: occurs with the environment. Situation: time/place in which speech communication occurs. Frame of reference: sum of person"s knowledge/experience/goals/values/attitudes. Ethnocentrism: the belief that one"s culture/group is superior to that of others. Make sure your goals are ethically sound. Be fully prepared for each speech: make sure information is accurate, be able to defend speech. Avoid name-calling and other forms of abusive language: be politically correct. Put ethical principles into practice: practice what you preach. Global: stealing a work in entirety from a single source and using it as one"s own. Patchwork: stealing ideas/language from 2-3 sources and using it as one"s own.