HIST SCI 201 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Sublunary Sphere, Celestial Sphere, Celestial Equator

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Epistemology : greece around 300bc: theory of knowledge: how is it knowledge=possible, how do we know what we know, plato"s response to parmenides (ontology and change, sense perception vs. reason: thales and heroclitus- sense perception and. Presocratics: time period: greece 600-500 bc, lived before socrates: physiologi (physical and natural philosophers, concern: political and ethical matters, essential nature of external world, anaximander pythagoras. Moon, sun, venus, mercury, mars, jupiter, saturn, fixed stars (400-347. Imaginary sphere cocentric with earth and rotatinf upon same axis: moves eastwards on the celestial sphere relative to fixed stars. Celestial sphere: all objects in sky thought of as being projected upon celestial sphere, upward from equator and poles: celestial poles and celestial equator, practical for positional astronomy fundamental entities of the cosmological models developed by plato, eudoxus, Miletus (580-530 bc: milesian approaches: all were monists (picking single substance as key element, materialists (limited explanation, thales: water, anaximander: apeiron, anaximenes: air, heraclitus (from near miletus: fire)