JS-1111 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Mozarabs, Hasdai Ibn Shaprut, Islamic Culture

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Great mosque of cordoba was built by abd al-rahman i. The unmistakable sign: avarus"s generation observed with pessimism: Expansion of muslim community: immigrants and christian converts to the religion of those who were in control. children of mixed marriages. The other half was the realm of culture intimately tied to faith and yet separate from it. the language. They have forgotten their own language: found in arabic -not islam- Christians had alvarus, and a core group of radical rejectionists who detested the combination of religious and cultural conversions they perceived to be disastrous of their community and its future. Most of christian community felt that their adoption of arabic was not at all a betrayal of their faith. Texts that alvarus only imagined in latin, also existed in arabic. Alvarus attacks the traitors within the clergy who worked with muslim authorities and believed in accommodation and coexistence: jewish community did not have the same reaction as alvarus.