JS-1111 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Hasdai Ibn Shaprut, Al-Andalus, Secondary Source

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Document Summary

A primary source is a historical text that was written at the time of the incident or event. It is recorded by someone who witnessed the event around the same time that it happened. A primary source may refer to any historical work including narratives and letters. Secondary sources rely on primary sources as evidence to a certain issue or idea they try to represent. They are usually not restricted to a single primary source and can argue in favor or against a primary source. Translation, however, of a primary source does not make it a secondary source if the translation does not alter the original content of the historical document. To echo what jonathan stated, constable"s book is a collection of translations of primary sources. Constable does not change the content, but she contrasts different primary sources to help the reader arrive to a conclusion indirectly.