PSY-3705 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Non-Penetrative Sex, Hormonal Iuds, Lytta Vesicatoria (Spanish Fly)

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Hormones bind to receptors on cellular surface (nuclear surface) & activate genes. Androgen insensitivity hormone receptors can"t read the androgen hormone, so it can"t be used to activate certain genes. Person has xy chromosome so male internal but female physiology. X-ray of brain areas w/ darkest spots have the most androgen receptors. Sex steroid hormones: androgens, testosterone: made in gonads & adrenal cortex. Targets the whole brain and body: dht: made in external genitalia, prostate gland, and skin. Targets external genitalia, prostate gland, and skin: estrogens, estradiol: made in gonads. Targets body and brain: progestins, progesterone: made in ovary and placenta. Allows for erectile capability of clitoris and penis. Libido when estrogen declines in women, they become more assertive. Encourages assertiveness & risk-taking (why older women are more assertive) At the end of puberty stops the growth of limbs. Gets the endometrium layer ready and thick for the menstrual cycle. Thecal cell converts cholesterol to progestins & androgens.