BIOL 117 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Triploblasty, Acoelomorpha, Diploblasty

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24 Jan 2020

Document Summary

Most are in marine environments, polyp: adhere to substrate, Medusa: float in the current or contract their body to move. Small, worms living in marine waters, do have a mouth simple sensory structures, light senstitive eye spots and lateral. N/a yes flaps for detection of objects and chemicals. Most likely our planets oldest animals, cannot move during. Yes containing organs (3) a fold of tissue called the mantle has three main parts (1) a muscular foot (2) a visceral mass. Pseudocoelo body is bilaterally symmetrical but the head is radially cylindrical body which is usually tapered at both ends, the. Yes metamorphosis is a process some members go through, C: body composed of three segments: head, thorax, abdomen. A pair of antennae, two pairs of wings, and three pairs of walking. A body incased in a hard structure called an exoskeleton, divided in to a series of semi-repetitive segments,