BIO206H5 Chapter Notes - Chapter 4: Protein Folding, Protein Filament, Contour Line

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18 Feb 2016

Document Summary

Chapter 4 notes protein structure and function. Proteins are the main building blocks from which cells are assembled, and they constitute most of the cell"s dry mass. The multiplicity of functions carried out by proteins arises from the huge number of different shapes they adopt. Proteins are by far the most structurally complex and functionally sophisticated molecules known. The shape of a protein is specified by its amino acid sequence. A protein molecule is made from a long chain of amino acids held together by covalent peptide bonds. In each type of protein, the amino acids are present in a unique order, called the amino acid sequence, which is exactly the same from one molecule of that protein to the next. The side chains give each amino acid it"s unique properties o o o some are nonpolar and hydrophobic some are negatively or positively charged some can be chemically reactive.