SOC100H5 Chapter Notes - Chapter 9: Parental Leave, Stepfamily, Intimate Partner Violence
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Our most intense emotional experiences are bound up with our families. Families are emotional mine elds, few subjects of sociology inquiry generate as much controversy. Is the family in decline and, if so, what should be done about it. In all things civil an sacred the tendency of the age is towards individualism. Nuclear family: cohabiting man and woman who maintain a socially approved sexual relationship and have at least one child. Traditional nuclear family: a nuclear family in which the husband works outside the home for money and the wife works without pay in the home. Marks husband as the primary provider and ultimate authority. New family forms (single parents, gay-lesbiand, common-law families) have becomes increasingly prevalent in recent decades. Functionalist view the decreasing prevalence of the married couple family and the rise of the working mother as an unmitigated disaster.