SOC100H5 Chapter Notes - Chapter 4: Misgivings, Milgram Experiment, Mark Granovetter

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SOC100H5 Full Course Notes
SOC100H5 Full Course Notes
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Chapter 4: from social interactions to social organizations. Research & assistant looking into 2-people conversations and the ways in which the people behaved: showing the women laughed more than men, men would be reluctant to ask for directions when lost, and the arguments that may follow. Social interaction: involves people communicating face to face or via computer, acting and reacting in relation to other people. It is structured around norms, roles, and statuses: feminists believe that gender often structures interaction patterns. Laughing: recognized social position in a sense because those with higher status get more laughs than those with a lower status (men vs. women: why class clowns are usually guys, social structure influences who laughs more. Three building blocks that structure all social interactions: social status, role set of expected behaviors, after occupying a status you have a role to play, norm generally accepted way of doing things.

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