BIO 3342 Chapter Notes - Chapter 3: Clavicle, Scaphoid Bone, Hinge Joint

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Purpose: learn and distinguish between the axial and appendicular skeleton, including what comprises the appendicular skeleton. Understand and demonstrate the anatomy of the appendicular skeleton as well as differentiate and distinguish all bone features and characteristics of each bone. Be able to differentiate and identify which paired body parts belong to the right or left side of the human body. Learn the anatomy of the knee joint, including what type of joint it is, and be able to identify all hard tissue and soft tissue structures of the joint. Appendicular skeleton slides / images provided by instructor. Marieb, e. human anatomy laboratory manual, 8th ed. Description: to begin, the axial and appendicular skeletons were differentiated. It was learned that the upper and lower extremities make up the appendicular skeleton. The most common bone features were then defined and differentiated; (including but not limited to) trochanter, tubercle, tuberosity, acetabulum, malleolus.