COMS 101 Chapter Notes - Chapter 5: Infinitive, Literal And Figurative Language, Brainstorming

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Literally endless possibilities for speech topics (from a to z) Topic = subject of a speech: 2 categories, subjects you know a lot about, most often selected and can be almost anything, subjects you want to know more about. Internet search: scan through encyclopedia or reference portal. General purpose = broad goal of speech: two subcategories here. Inform to give audience more knowledge than before: persuade goes beyond giving information, tries to convince audience into believing something. Specific purpose = a single infinitive phrase that states precisely what a speaker hopes to accomplish in their speech: narrowed version of general purpose. It states what speaker wants to say && what the audience knows as a result of the speech. Is the purpose relevant to my audience: try to tie i(cid:374) liste(cid:374)er"s goals with your topic. Is the purpose too trivial for my audience: avoid stupid or easy purposes.