HIST 1100 Chapter Notes - Chapter 20: National American Woman Suffrage Association, Ellen Gates Starr, Jane Addams

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Social classes more open after economic struggles. Progressive era: 1900-wwi: the course of reform. Progressivism was not one party and did not have a specific agenda: the middle-class impulse. 1889- jane addams and ellen gates starr established hull house on chicago"s west side, the model for other settlement houses. Addams realized it was a crisis of her entire generation. Social darwinists were wrong in their belief that society developed according to fixed and unchanging laws. Pragmatism judged ideas based off of their consequences william james. Lochner v. new york (1905) ruled that state law could not limit the hours of bakers because the bakers needed the money. Legal realism law has not been logic, it has been based off of experience: the muckrakers. William hard exposed industrial accidents in making steel and killing men (1907) and de kid wot works at night (1908) Muckrakers were journalists who exposed the underside of american life: women progressives.

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