BIO-17 Chapter Notes - Chapter 2: Optic Disc, Visual Acuity, Earwax

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4 Dec 2020

Document Summary

Weight, height, frame size, body mass index. Vital signs: temperature, pulse rate, respiratory rate, blood. Cognitive: consciousness level, response to questions, reasoning, arithmetic ability, memory, attention span; specific mental test scores. Emotional stability: depression, anxiety, disturbance in thought content, hallucinations. Speech and language: voice quality, articulation, coherence, comprehension. Color, uniformity, integrity, texture, temperature, turgor, hygiene, tattoos, scars. Presence of edema, moisture, excessive perspiration, unusual odor, mobility. Presence and description of lesions (size, shape, location, configuration, blanching, inflammation, tenderness, induration, discharge), parasites, trauma. Nail configuration, color, texture, condition, nail base angle, ridging, beading, pitting, peeling, nail plate firmness, adherence to nail bed. Size and contour of head, scalp appearance, head position. Symmetry and spacing of facial features, tics, characteristic facies if present. Temporal arteries: pulsations, thickening, hardness, tenderness, bruits. Appearance of orbits (edema, sagging tissue, puffiness), firmness of eyeball, conjunctivae color, sclerae, eyelids (redness, flakiness, fasciculations, ptosis), eyebrows. Extraocular movements, corneal light reflex, cover-uncover test, nystagmus.