I&C SCI 32 Chapter Notes - Chapter 4: The Routers, Hostname, Network Address Translation

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ICS 32 Fall 2015
Notes and Examples: Networks and Sockets 1
In previous coursework, and earlier this quarter, you've seen one way that programs can read external input: by opening
and reading from files. But compared to the programs we use every day — web browsers, email clients, mobile
applications, multiplayer games, and the like — that interact not just with our file system but with other computers and
other people, if you're limited to the use of files, you can feel as though you've been put into a very unrealistic box.
Fortunately, the Python Standard Library includes a number of tools that we can use to help us write Python programs
that can do many of the same things that our favorite Internet-connected programs do.
As a first step, we'll start with the tool atop which most of the others are built: sockets. In Python, sockets are objects
that encapsulate and hide many of the underlying details of how a program can connect directly to another program;
usually, this connection is made via a network such as the Internet, though it should be pointed out that you can also
use sockets to send data back and forth between programs running on the same machine, and that's where our story
Sockets provide an abstraction of a connection between a program and some other program. Sockets can be used to
represent many different kinds of network connections that behave quite differently from one another, but we'll be
using them in a particular way. There are variations on what is described here, but these assumptions will serve us well.
When two programs are connected via sockets, each program has a socket representing its end of the connection
between them, with each socket having two streams available:
An input stream, which receives all of the data sent by the other program, in the order the other program sent it.
An output stream, which takes any data written to it and sends it to the other program, in the order it was written.
Sockets (the way we'll be using them) guarantee that if the data makes it across the network successfully — note that it
won't always make it, for a variety of reasons! — it wil be placed into the receiver's input stream in the order it was
placed into the sender's output stream. So, for example, if the machine on one side sends three messages — M1, M2,
and M3 — the machine on the other side will receive the messages in that order. If M1 fails to make it across the
network, neither M2 nor M3 will ever be seen, either. The code underlying Python's sockets does a variety of things like
attempting to re-send lost information periodically and holding information received out of order until the information
preceding it is received, so we don't have to worry about these kinds of details; we can just think of the two streams and
leave the details to the implementation.
One reason why it's handy for us to see a network connection as two streams is that it feels quite a lot like what we're
used to doing with files. So far, we've read from files sequentially and written to them sequentially; we'll be able to do
the same with sockets. The main difference is that networks are less reliable than files, because so many more things
can go wrong in a connection between your computer here in Irvine and one in a faraway place like Korea, so we'll have
to be more cognizant of the ways that things can fail; as with most failures in Python programs, these failures will usually
arise as exceptions.
There are a number of issues that you have to be aware of when you want to write a robust program that communicates
using sockets; this code example ignores most of those issues in the interest of simplicity. Future examples will begin to
explore those details.
Clients and servers
In the context of a socket-based conversation between two programs, we can think of each of the two programs as
playing a role. One program was waiting for another program to connect to it and responded to the request; the other
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initiated the connection. (You can think of this relationship as being the same as the relationship between two people in
the midst of a phone call. Someone initiated the call, while someone else answered it.) For the purposes of such a
scenario, we say the program that initiated the conversation is a client, while the program that responded to that
initiation is a server.
Sometimes, as in the example below, a program plays one role and never plays the other; in other instances, programs
play different roles at different times. In this course, we'll focus our efforts on writing clients, as we're predominantly
interested in consuming information and services on the Internet.
Some technical information about the Internet
Writing programs that can communicate via the Internet requires some knowledge of how the Internet works. The
Internet is a complex, many-layered combination of hardware and software, but you actually need to know surprisingly
little about the underlying technology in order to write programs that use it. Still, there are issues that you will need to
be aware of, especially if you want to do some or all of your work on your own computer.
Loads of useful information is available online about all of the topics summarized below; few of the problems I discuss
are insurmountable. (Of course, the challenge, as always, is to separate the useful information from the noise.) But all of
these issues will have at least some effect on whether you can get your programs to connect to programs running on
other machines, even if your programs are completely correct, so it's best to be aware of these issues before you get
IP addresses
In general, every machine connected to the Internet has an IP address. An IP address is akin to a telephone number; by
specifying that a message is to be sent to a particular IP address, the network will be able to determine who should
receive the message and how the message should get there, hiding these details from the machines on either end.
An IP address is generally displayed as a sequence of four numbers separated by dots; each of the numbers has a value
in the range 0-255 (a range chosen because values in this range can be stored in eight bits, or one byte). For example, as
of this writing, the IP address of one of the machines that act as a "server" for the ICS web site has the address
If you want a program of yours to connect to another program running on another machine, you'll have to know the IP
address where that other program is running. Note, too, that many machines have a different IP address as often as
every time they connect to the Internet, so this isn't the kind of information you can necessarily bookmark and reuse
The "loopback" address
There is a special range of IP addresses that can always be used to connect a computer to itself, regardless of what its IP
address is. These are called "loopback" addresses, the most common of which is So if you want to test
connecting two programs on your own machine, you can use to do that. (This also explains T-shirts and
bumper stickers that you may have seen that say "There's no place like")
When you want to connect a program to another program running on another machine, it's not enough to know the IP
address of the other machine. Multiple programs on the same machine are likely to be connected to the Internet at any
given time. So there needs to be a way to identify not only what machine you'd like to connect to, but also which
program on that machine you'd like to connect to.
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The mechanism used for this on the Internet is called a port. A program acting as a server will register its interest in a
particular port by binding to it; the operating system will generally only allow one program to be bound to a particular
port at a time. Once a program binds to a port on a machine, when a connection is made to that port on that machine,
the connection is routed to the program that bound to the port.
Ports have numbers that range from 0-65535 (a range chosen because values in this range can be stored in sixteen bits,
or two bytes). It's generally a good idea not to use ports with numbers below 1024, becuase these tend to be reserved
for common uses (e.g., web traffic, FTP traffic, email traffic). Beyond that, you may discover some ports at or above 1024
in use — depending on what programs are running on your machine — but most should be available.
The important thing to realize here is this: In order for a client to initiate a connection to a server, the client will need to
use not only the IP address of the machine where the server is running, but also the port that the server is listening on.
The Domain Name System and DNS lookups
Though every machine connected to the Internet has an IP address, users don't typically use IP addresses on an
everyday basis. Just as IP addresses are akin to telephone numbers, there is an Internet service called the Domain Name
System (DNS) that acts as a kind of phone book; given the name of a computer, DNS can tell you its IP address, so long as
that name has been registered with DNS previously.
So, for example, when you brought up this web page in your browser, your browser first had to know the address of
www.ics.uci.edu; it found this out by doing a DNS lookup, by sending a message to a Domain Name Server and asking
"What is the IP address of www.ics.uci.edu?" In return, the browser received a message that said "It's," at
which time your browser could connect to that address (on port 80, since that's the port used for web traffic when not
otherwise specified) and download this web page.
DNS is unlikely to affect your connections to programs on other machines significantly in this course, other than the fact
that you may want to use a hostname instead of an IP address when you know one. But we'll certainly use it later this
Note that the "loopback" address has its own name: localhost. The name localhost always resolves to a "loopback"
The Internet offers a certain amount of anonymity — it's hard to know who's contacting you or what their motives are if
all you can see is their IP address and what port they're connecting to. This kind of anonymity has its benefits, though it
also has its serious downsides; when you can't know who's contacting you and can't know what they're trying to
accomplish, and when you can't always trust your operating system and other software not to provide outsiders access
to information they shouldn't have, the wise solution is to restrict incoming traffic. The theory is that if no one can
connect to you, no one can take advantage of you (without you having "asked for it," in some sense, by connecting to
them). This is the theory behind firewalls, which are software or hardware that restrict other computers' access to
computers behind them.
It was once the case that firewalls were mostly used in businesses, as they were the primary targets of online crime and
mischief. Nowadays, though, most computers come with some kind of firewall software built into them. This may make
it more difficult for programs on other mahines to connect to yours when you want them to, because your computer
may be configured to disallow incoming connections. Some firewall software also allows you to disallow certain kinds of
outgoing connections, which might also affect your ability to connect to programs running on other machines. There are
usually ways to "open a port," which means that you've told our firewall to allow traffic bound for a certain port to move
into or out of your machine, while traffic on other ports will still be forbidden. Details of how to do this vary from one
context to another, but there is a fair amount of documentation online if you want to learn how to open ports using
your particular combination of hardware and/or software firewalls.
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Document Summary

In previous coursework, and earlier this quarter, you"ve seen one way that programs can read external input: by opening and reading from files. Fortunately, the python standard library includes a number of tools that we can use to help us write python programs that can do many of the same things that our favorite internet-connected programs do. As a first step, we"ll start with the tool atop which most of the others are built: sockets. Sockets provide an abstraction of a connection between a program and some other program. Sockets can be used to represent many different kinds of network connections that behave quite differently from one another, but we"ll be using them in a particular way. There are variations on what is described here, but these assumptions will serve us well. When two programs are connected via sockets, each program has a socket representing its end of the connection between them, with each socket having two streams available:

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