BIO 325 Chapter Notes - Chapter 6: Sodium-Potassium Alloy, Neuroglia, Sympathetic Nervous System
Document Summary
Operates by generating electrical signals that move from one part of the cell to another part of the same cell or to neighboring cells neurotransmitters - -chemical messengers. Released due to electrical signals by neurons glial cells - -generally do not participate directly in electrical communication from cell to cell. Can branch to form myelin on as many as 40 axons. Toward the cns efferent neurons - convey information away from the cns to cells like muscle, gland, or other cell types interneurons - connect neurons within the cns sensory receptors - afferent neurons have these. Stimulate the formation of tight junctions between the cells that make up the walls of capillaries found in the cns. Sustain neurons metabolically; provide glucose, remove ammonia waste. Secrete growth factors blood brain barrier - selective filter for exchanged substances; much more selective than that is present between the blood and most other tissues.