HIST209 Lecture Notes - Lecture 12: Kornilov Affair, Mensheviks, Petrograd Soviet

HIST209 Lecture Notes Monday 21st May 2018
The ‘ussia ‘eolutio is the ightiest eet of the World War
The Russian Revolutions of 1917
- The Tsarist government was outdated for the times
- Did not afford the people the same rights and freedoms that were seen in the other
parts of Europe
Problems of the Old Regime
- Differences between Russia and the West
o Other European countries were more influenced by the Industrial Revolution
o Russia was still agrarian and old
- Russo-Japanese War and 1905 revolution
o Blow to Russian prestige
o Defeat dented Russian pride and indicated their incapability on the modern
o Uprising in Petersburg was a result
- Tsar Nicholas II offered concession: creation of Imperial Duma
o National parliament
o Instituted a constitution that guaranteed political social rights of most
o Only staved off the inevitable downfall though
- Otoer Maifesto estalished ‘ussias first ostitutio ad eded Tsars asolutist
Russia in World War I
- Russia entered WWI ill-equipped and with limited reforms and industrialisation
o Setbacks on the eastern front only served to highlight these inadequacies
o Poorly clothed, ill disciplined
- Sept. 1915: Tsar assumed personal command of Russian army
- Tsarina Alexandra and influence of Rasputin
o Rasputin seduced the queen and she maintained that his presence was
o Rasputin was suspicious to many Russian people
- Dec. 1916: Death of Rasputin
- Effect of the war: hunger, cold, shortages, long hours of work
o Conditions right for revolutionary ferment
Tsar Nicholas II
- Was not the strong leader required of the time
- Weak, ineffectual, incompetent
- History judges him unkindly
- Strange mystic presence
- Served to alienate the royal family
February Revolution
- Events of February 1917 – strikes, riots, and soldiers supporting strikes (mutinies)
o Occurring on streets in Petrograd
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Document Summary
Hist209 (cid:858)the ussia(cid:374) e(cid:448)olutio(cid:374) is the (cid:373)ightiest e(cid:448)e(cid:374)t of the world war(cid:859) The tsarist government was outdated for the times. Did not afford the people the same rights and freedoms that were seen in the other parts of europe. Differences between russia and the west: other european countries were more influenced by the industrial revolution, russia was still agrarian and old. Russo-japanese war and 1905 revolution: blow to russian prestige, defeat dented russian pride and indicated their incapability on the modern age, uprising in petersburg was a result. Tsar nicholas ii offered concession: creation of imperial duma: national parliament. Instituted a constitution that guaranteed political social rights of most. Russians: only staved off the inevitable downfall though. O(cid:272)to(cid:271)er ma(cid:374)ifesto esta(cid:271)lished ussia(cid:859)s first (cid:272)o(cid:374)stitutio(cid:374) a(cid:374)d e(cid:374)ded tsar(cid:859)s a(cid:271)solutist rule. Russia entered wwi ill-equipped and with limited reforms and industrialisation: setbacks on the eastern front only served to highlight these inadequacies, poorly clothed, ill disciplined.