BIO1022 Lecture 21: BIO1022 – Lecture 21 – Internal Transport

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BIO1022 Lecture 21 Internal Transport
- diffusion rate increases when squared
- invertebrate diffusion
direct uptake from the environment
requires direct contact with medium
- invertebrate circulation
gastrovascular cavity
o diffusion of nutrients over short distance
dedicated circulatory systems
o needed when diffusion distances are large
o three parts
muscular pump
o peristaltic pump
peristaltic wave of movement - muscle contractions
o chamber pump
open circulation
o low pressure
o distribution of blood not well regulated
o characteristic of an insect, crustaceans, anthropods
o return to heart - slow
o multiple hearts
o draw fluid from one part - take it to front - dump near head
o haemolymph surrounding body tissues
closed circulation
o high pressure
o distribution of blood well regulated
o return to heart - rapid
o found in humans
o blood
o can direct blood more easily
- vertebrate circulation
closed cardiovascular system
adapted to demands of animal and particular organs
heart rate decreases as the animal body mass increases
blood supply correlated with metabolic requirement of animal and organ
heart - gas exchange - arteries - arterioles - capillaries - venues - veins -
single circuit blood flow
o found in fish
o heart - gills - tissue
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