BIO1022 Lecture Notes - Lecture 17: Endospore, Extremophile, Cellular Respiration

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BIO1022 Lecture 17 Viruses
- light microscope - light passes through specimen - reflected e
- electron microscope - focuses a beam of electrons through the specimen or
onto its surface
- scanning electron microscope - show a 3D image of the surface of the specimen
- transmission electron microscope - profiles a thin section of a specimen
specimen stained with atoms of heavy metals - which attach to certain
cellular structures
- cell fractionation
takes cells apart and separates major organelles and other sub cellular
structures from one another
- comparing prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
all cells share basic features
o they are all bounded by a selective barrier - called the plasma
o inside all cells is cytosol - a semifluid, jelly like substance - in which
subcellular components are suspended
o all cells contain chromosomes - which carry genes in the form of
o all cells have ribosomes - tiny complexes that make proteins
according to instructions from the genes
o locations of their DNA
eukaryotic cell
most of the DNA is in an organelle called the nucleus
- bounded by a double membrane
prokaryotic cell
DNA is concentrated in a region that is not
membrane enclosed called the nuceloid
o cytoplasm
interior of the cell
refers to only the region between nucleus and the
plasma membrane
within the cytoplasm, suspended in cytosol are a
variety of organelles with specialised form and
these membrane bounded structures are
absent in prokaryotic cells
o size
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