ECOS3003 Lecture Notes - Lecture 13: Customer Relationship Management

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Leadership is more than developing a vision for an organization: need to motivate others to implement that vision, marketing concept also important. Fir(cid:373)"s orga(cid:374)izatio(cid:374)al ar(cid:272)hite(cid:272)ture (cid:272)a(cid:374) play a pi(cid:448)otal role. Characteristics: have a vision, motivate people to follow that vision. Developing the vision: organizational architecture should be designed such that it motivates employees with relevant specific knowledge to initiate value-enhancing proposals, want to empower employees. Charisma important, but employees influenced by economic incentives provided by architecture. Implementing a new decision is often subject to self-interest within a group setting. Proposal design: maintaining flexibility, people more likely to suppose a new proposal if it entails lower risk, could start with a limited pilot program (small scale). Commitment: strategic value of making a commitment to change: distributional consequences: some employees will gain, others will lose from the change. Careful analysis and groundwork: risk-averse individual more likely to favour status quo, communication with employees is important.