CLCV 2008 Lecture Notes - Lecture 13: Eumaeus, Pirithous, Lapiths
Document Summary
Eurymachos" stool hits cupbearer (18. 394) > defensive reaction. Ktesippos throws hoof, misses (20. 299) > threats. Odysseus and penelope 53-360; 508-604: cretan tale 172f. Eurykleia recognizes odysseus" scar 361-507: flashback to the boar-hunt 392f. Eurytion, the centaur, attempts to take her, resulting in The battle of the lapiths and centaurs, between civilization and barbarism. Book 22: revenge: achilles kills hector; odysseus, the suitors. Book 23: acceptance: patroclos" funeral games; penelope embraces odysseus. Book 24: reconciliation: priam and achilles, kinsmen of suitors and odysseus. Supplication scenes: leodes, the bad prophet, phemios, the bard, medon, the herald. A moment of danger or weakness, a wounding. A moment of danger (147-8, 208, 277-81) Eurykleia awakens penelope, tells her that odysseus is back: proof - scar. Second nekyia in the land of the dead: fates of achilles, agamemnon, odysseus, penelope"s weaving, the contest of the bow. Battle with the kinsmen of the suitors.