CLCV 2008 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Hector, Ekphrasis, Zeus

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Aphrodite rescues aeneas, 311: would have died had his mother not saved him. Apollo rescues aeneas, 344: aphrodite drops aeneas. Diomedes charges at apollo, 431: apollo creates an image of aeneas on the battlefield to distract him. Typical scene: a recurrent block of narrative with an identifiable structure, i. e. sacrifice, reception of a guest, launching and beaching of a ship, donning of armour. Agamemnon convinces menelaos no to show mercy. The trojan women take a robe as an offering to athena. Hektor, andromache, astynax/skamandrios: hektor is doomed, contrast between hektor, who has a loving wife and paris, who stole his wife. Hektor gets paris back to the battle field. Hospitality, or the laws governing the relationship between host and guest (215, 231-6) Zeus xenios oversaw the laws of guest - friendship, the exchange of hospitality. Duel between hektor and ajax: gods discuss temporary stop of the war by challenging the two best fighters to single combat, watch like vultures (959)

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