CLCV 2008 Lecture 16: Aeneid 1-3
Document Summary
Odyssey-aeneid: zeus jupiter, athene venus, odysseus aeneas nostos, founding, poseidon juno, hermes mercury, calypso dido anger mission to female delayer. Gates of war on the temple of janus. Aeneid 1, juno"s temple, trojan war: past. We, the external audience, follow his gaze. Aeneid 2 > troy from the loser"s perspective. Calypso > visit of messenger god (delayer) Nausikaa > simile of diana / artemis (hero encounters female), gold on silver. Penelope > simile of gold on silver (queen) Helen > gifts (cause of war, future / past); intervention of goddess of love: aeneas ~ paris. In the next cycle, the loser becomes winner. Sinon = if not"; contrary to fact conditionals. Pyrrhus ( fiery") and the death of priam, equated with the fall of troy: historical allusion to death of pompey in 48. Time in the aeneid: contemporary with aeneas, after the trojan war, ca. 1184: roman-carthaginian / punic wars, 264-146, contemporary with vergil, ca.