HIST 214 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Foederati, Intentionality, Compurgation

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19 Jun 2018
Role of Germanic tribes in fall of Empire, but more important, as third pillar of
Medieval Society (Rome, Church and Germanic)
Transition or catastrophe?
Catastrophic - inherently better because it was stable
Mutually beneficial with Rome
From 5th C. BCE, along borders, well-known starting from 1st C. BCE
Sources: Julius Caesar, archeology, later laws and languages, Tacitus, Gregory of
Invasion of barbarians
Lends intentionality that it didn’t have
Migrations and movements into the Roman empire
Problem with Sources?
Subjective, biased, difficult to deal with
Written sources (narrative sources, letters)
Archaeology is a subjective source - decisions made to excavate and interpret
Legal codes helps to understand
Tacitus (Roman historian) describes the Germans as being very morally upright -
fierce warriors and having allegiance to their leaders, talking about the faults
with the Roman society itself
Uses the Germans as a foil for the Romans
Gregory of Tours is writing subjectively - writing about the society he knows and
people he interacts with
NOT barbarian invasions
Mutual benefits of early contacts with Rome
Integrations and foederati
Rome is expanding out
Trades and processed goods being exported and sold to Germanic peoples
Raw materials are being sold by Germanic tribes to Rome
Ideas are being circulated (cultural exchange)
Germanic tribes sell military and bodies
Rome is not able to support a large army financially
Allow Germanic tribes to live on the border to allow them to protect them
from others who try to come into Rome (tribes are not being Romanized)
Leads to the disintegration of Roman values
Slow absorption good and possible for empire but by 5th century flow increases
to mass migrations
False narrative there is a cohesive process of migration
Migraitng in and around the empire
Makes it seem like these are all the same people - that the tribes have the
same identity
Volkerwanderung ≠ invasion
Not enough food to eat (due to climate change, artifically
manufactured food problems, political conflicts, other groups
moving into the areas)
When there is a scarcity of resources between the different groups,
there will be military conflict
Seeking peace
Seeking to become part of the empire as they are looking for safety
Were pushed out of Asia
What is wrong with maps?
By simplifying to the point of saying different tribes were in specific areas, it
erases the diversity of the territory
Chronologically wrong, no point in time when everything on the map was true
Tries to freeze time and give an abstract representation of reality
Transition or catastrophe?
Accomodation vs. Conquest
Bring colonists
Northern parts of the empire that have farmers that use the land to grow
Use violent force in order to carve out a place for them to survive
Militaristically antagonistic
What changes occur?
Politically (local, regional, national levels)
Provincialisation (roads, aquaducts) - no longer fiscal and
governmental resources which means that people do not move
around that much; decline in long distance travel which means
everything becomes localized (religion, trade, rulers)
Moving away from a more widespread communication
Sword/bible > Virgil (Roman elite had a shared education that was
based on Virgil - it was a symbol and pathway to keep power, as
well as a way to exclude people from power)
Political power is now based on the ability to have military
prowess which means that there is political legtimacy (people
of the curch are now studying the bible, not latin clasics
Radical material simplicfication
Production and trade is localized
The kinds of things that are being produced is less diverse
Materials are less sophisticated and diverse
Collapsed tax base - land occupation
Allowed for gladiator fights, etc.
Paid for an empire to survive on a high level for thousands of
With the rise of the Germanic kingdoms there was no longer a
fiscal system to bring resources into the capital cities (paying
warriors in land which is a finite resource)
Constant process of rulers being ousted because there are no
more resources to buy the warriors off
Society is much less urban than before
80% of the population was peasants but a society that defined
itself as being urban
Very little contact with itself (people living in small societies)
The Meeting between Leo and the Great and Attila - 453
Shows that governmental structures no longer exist
Ethnogenesis (creations of an ethnicity)
Ethnicity as a category
Problematic due to the white guys who "created history"
And the sources that we have to examine
Romans saw themselves as having a character that was seen as
Historians in the 19th century that are writing their national identities
they are applying biological race/etnicity to Germanic people, making
groups into something that is tangable and real (not how ethnicity
Takes away individual agency and takes away complication
Chronologically dishonest (did not have these labels for ourselves)
Ethnicity is a form of identity which means that people are allowed to
have other identities and be who they are
People's identities depend on the situation that we are observing them
Using different identities to form different ones
Category vs. Process
Ethnicity as identity
Situational, nested and contigent
Ship of Theseus?
Replacing individual parts of an entire thing - at what point is it not that
original thing anymore? Same with the groups in Europe
Ignoring the instability of identity over time
Models of ethnic formation and maintenance
Group around royal family (Franks)
Identity is tied to a lineage rather than a single person
Grouped around charismatic leader, maintaining differences within a
group (Huns)
Loosely formed communities, more as events (Slavs)
Artifical constructs that have been created and forced onto people
None of these groups have been always together, they are created
and maintained through abstract ideas
People being buried with their posessions/jewels
Showing legitimacy
Huns went through the process of skull binding as it was seen to be
aesthetically pleasing
Buried just like native women
This shows they have an identity/ethnicity they were born with, but
then shows that their identity changed throughout their lives
Identity is tied to her gender
Germanic Society
Romans when they come into contact with Germanic groups they are not who
they used to be
Forced into being semi-nomadic societies
Agricultural/pastoral society in northern Europe
Kinship based societies
No government, society based on personal ties (lordship)
Single leaders to unite tribes temporary, "chieftans" rather than "kings"
Provide safety, resources, wealth to the warrior elites who bring with
them groups of followers
Little coalescence, groups under dux come through Roman influence
Society characterized by kindship and warrior loyalty
Kinship: circle of relatives to lend support, and carry out blood feud
(inherently violent)
Lordship: sworn loyalty to military leader, without obligating member of
kin group
Warrior leaders supported by others in return for protection and booty
Violence society because of circumstances, not nature
Attacking kinship groups to get resoures
War = social engineering at a time when Rome was falling under incompetents
Feuds and Wergeldn
Legal system based on compurgation and orgal
Man = money
Monetizes violent relationships in order to cut down on them
Missionized by Ulfias
They are considered to be heretics later on
More on physical nature of Christ and this is the type of Christianity that
was prominent in the Roman Empire when they Germanic tribes at first
came in contact with the Romans
Convert to this form of Christianity - when they come into contact with
the Romans, they are believed to be the wrong type of Christian as the
Romans believe in a different type of Christianity
Therefore there is religious tension
Legal system based on ordeal
Allow God to decide on who has done wrong in society
Your status helps to protect you
Different ways to decide guilt/innocence based on the ordeal - risking life
Invited in, cheated, Adrianople 378
Arian leaders tried to exploit the Visigoths (tried to starve them to get
more taxes)
Rebelled and the Visigoths won the battle of Adrianople
Germanization of army (Stilicho vs. Alaric 402 - both are generals who are
Roman military elites are most likely Germanic
Alaric and siege of Rome 410
City is attacked by the Visigoths
This is a symbollically charged moment
Pressure from Franks on Visigoths in Southern Gaul
Visigoths migrate to Spain
Constant disruption of rule (Gothic disease)
Catholization under Recared, then strong church support for monarchy
(were originally arians which meant there was tension with the curch at
first) - catholic church allows for him to demonstrate his legitimacy
Anointing of the rulers (kings are anointed by the church;
symbollically showing the approval of God)
Anti-semitism (similar to laws of the Theodosian code in order to
erradicate anything that wasn't cathollic; artifically accelerating the
catholisization of Spain)
Very unstable society as there is a war to maintain control of the kingdom
Disruptive force pushing other groups around
They are the least cohesive group
Early raids on Eastern Empire rebuffed
From Hungarian base, raids into Gaul by 450
They are extracting resources
Battle of Chalons 452 they are defeated
Aetius last Romn magister militum
Stabbed to death by Valentian III
Leo I
Atilla and his young bride 453
Theodoric (r. 489-526)
One of the last groups to come into the Roman empire
Marked the transition from the Empire into something different
Highly romanized
Invasion of Italy to oust "usurper" Odovacer 489
Split society
Roman administration survived, and applied to Romans
Goths as military, kept seperate from Italian population who support
them, Aria but tolerant
Preservation and even renaissance of Roman culture
Diplomacy through marriange, Germanic stability in south with Visigoths against
Franks through marriage
Byzantines (535, 552) and Lombards (586) wipe out ?
Last group to come into northern Europe
Communication between Franks and northern European roots
Kingdom of Sygarius 486
Were not arians, did not convert to Christianity
Franks most Germanic, never migrated, expanded
Also never Christian, so directly Catholic, Converts like Constantine 495
Note that in 495, no major leader was Catholic (assures survival of
catholicism) although nominal, allows for missionizing and church
South of Gaul was Catholic with Arian Visigoth rulers
Beginning of kinship as family rule (Merovingians) no longer merit
Kingdom is divided as property (splits property among his sons)
Collapse of Roman administrative apparatus
Consul Clovis
Franks inexperienced administrators
Lecture 4 -Barbarians
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
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Role of Germanic tribes in fall of Empire, but more important, as third pillar of
Medieval Society (Rome, Church and Germanic)
Transition or catastrophe?
Catastrophic - inherently better because it was stable
Mutually beneficial with Rome
From 5th C. BCE, along borders, well-known starting from 1st C. BCE
Sources: Julius Caesar, archeology, later laws and languages, Tacitus, Gregory of
Invasion of barbarians
Lends intentionality that it didn’t have
Migrations and movements into the Roman empire
Problem with Sources?
Subjective, biased, difficult to deal with
Written sources (narrative sources, letters)
Archaeology is a subjective source - decisions made to excavate and interpret
Legal codes helps to understand
Tacitus (Roman historian) describes the Germans as being very morally upright -
fierce warriors and having allegiance to their leaders, talking about the faults
with the Roman society itself
Uses the Germans as a foil for the Romans
Gregory of Tours is writing subjectively - writing about the society he knows and
people he interacts with
NOT barbarian invasions
Mutual benefits of early contacts with Rome
Integrations and foederati
Rome is expanding out
Trades and processed goods being exported and sold to Germanic peoples
Raw materials are being sold by Germanic tribes to Rome
Ideas are being circulated (cultural exchange)
Germanic tribes sell military and bodies
Rome is not able to support a large army financially
Allow Germanic tribes to live on the border to allow them to protect them
from others who try to come into Rome (tribes are not being Romanized)
Leads to the disintegration of Roman values
Slow absorption good and possible for empire but by 5th century flow increases
to mass migrations
False narrative there is a cohesive process of migration
Migraitng in and around the empire
Makes it seem like these are all the same people - that the tribes have the
same identity
Volkerwanderung ≠ invasion
Not enough food to eat (due to climate change, artifically
manufactured food problems, political conflicts, other groups
moving into the areas)
When there is a scarcity of resources between the different groups,
there will be military conflict
Seeking peace
Seeking to become part of the empire as they are looking for safety
Were pushed out of Asia
What is wrong with maps?
By simplifying to the point of saying different tribes were in specific areas, it
erases the diversity of the territory
Chronologically wrong, no point in time when everything on the map was true
Tries to freeze time and give an abstract representation of reality
Transition or catastrophe?
Accomodation vs. Conquest
Bring colonists
Northern parts of the empire that have farmers that use the land to grow
Use violent force in order to carve out a place for them to survive
Militaristically antagonistic
What changes occur?
Politically (local, regional, national levels)
Provincialisation (roads, aquaducts) - no longer fiscal and
governmental resources which means that people do not move
around that much; decline in long distance travel which means
everything becomes localized (religion, trade, rulers)
Moving away from a more widespread communication
Sword/bible > Virgil (Roman elite had a shared education that was
based on Virgil - it was a symbol and pathway to keep power, as
well as a way to exclude people from power)
Political power is now based on the ability to have military
prowess which means that there is political legtimacy (people
of the curch are now studying the bible, not latin clasics
Radical material simplicfication
Production and trade is localized
The kinds of things that are being produced is less diverse
Materials are less sophisticated and diverse
Collapsed tax base - land occupation
Allowed for gladiator fights, etc.
Paid for an empire to survive on a high level for thousands of
With the rise of the Germanic kingdoms there was no longer a
fiscal system to bring resources into the capital cities (paying
warriors in land which is a finite resource)
Constant process of rulers being ousted because there are no
more resources to buy the warriors off
Society is much less urban than before
80% of the population was peasants but a society that defined
itself as being urban
Very little contact with itself (people living in small societies)
The Meeting between Leo and the Great and Attila - 453
Shows that governmental structures no longer exist
Ethnogenesis (creations of an ethnicity)
Ethnicity as a category
Problematic due to the white guys who "created history"
And the sources that we have to examine
Romans saw themselves as having a character that was seen as
Historians in the 19th century that are writing their national identities
they are applying biological race/etnicity to Germanic people, making
groups into something that is tangable and real (not how ethnicity
Takes away individual agency and takes away complication
Chronologically dishonest (did not have these labels for ourselves)
Ethnicity is a form of identity which means that people are allowed to
have other identities and be who they are
People's identities depend on the situation that we are observing them
Using different identities to form different ones
Category vs. Process
Ethnicity as identity
Situational, nested and contigent
Ship of Theseus?
Replacing individual parts of an entire thing - at what point is it not that
original thing anymore? Same with the groups in Europe
Ignoring the instability of identity over time
Models of ethnic formation and maintenance
Group around royal family (Franks)
Identity is tied to a lineage rather than a single person
Grouped around charismatic leader, maintaining differences within a
group (Huns)
Loosely formed communities, more as events (Slavs)
Artifical constructs that have been created and forced onto people
None of these groups have been always together, they are created
and maintained through abstract ideas
People being buried with their posessions/jewels
Showing legitimacy
Huns went through the process of skull binding as it was seen to be
aesthetically pleasing
Buried just like native women
This shows they have an identity/ethnicity they were born with, but
then shows that their identity changed throughout their lives
Identity is tied to her gender
Germanic Society
Romans when they come into contact with Germanic groups they are not who
they used to be
Forced into being semi-nomadic societies
Agricultural/pastoral society in northern Europe
Kinship based societies
No government, society based on personal ties (lordship)
Single leaders to unite tribes temporary, "chieftans" rather than "kings"
Provide safety, resources, wealth to the warrior elites who bring with
them groups of followers
Little coalescence, groups under dux come through Roman influence
Society characterized by kindship and warrior loyalty
Kinship: circle of relatives to lend support, and carry out blood feud
(inherently violent)
Lordship: sworn loyalty to military leader, without obligating member of
kin group
Warrior leaders supported by others in return for protection and booty
Violence society because of circumstances, not nature
Attacking kinship groups to get resoures
War = social engineering at a time when Rome was falling under incompetents
Feuds and Wergeldn
Legal system based on compurgation and orgal
Man = money
Monetizes violent relationships in order to cut down on them
Missionized by Ulfias
They are considered to be heretics later on
More on physical nature of Christ and this is the type of Christianity that
was prominent in the Roman Empire when they Germanic tribes at first
came in contact with the Romans
Convert to this form of Christianity - when they come into contact with
the Romans, they are believed to be the wrong type of Christian as the
Romans believe in a different type of Christianity
Therefore there is religious tension
Legal system based on ordeal
Allow God to decide on who has done wrong in society
Your status helps to protect you
Different ways to decide guilt/innocence based on the ordeal - risking life
Invited in, cheated, Adrianople 378
Arian leaders tried to exploit the Visigoths (tried to starve them to get
more taxes)
Rebelled and the Visigoths won the battle of Adrianople
Germanization of army (Stilicho vs. Alaric 402 - both are generals who are
Roman military elites are most likely Germanic
Alaric and siege of Rome 410
City is attacked by the Visigoths
This is a symbollically charged moment
Pressure from Franks on Visigoths in Southern Gaul
Visigoths migrate to Spain
Constant disruption of rule (Gothic disease)
Catholization under Recared, then strong church support for monarchy
(were originally arians which meant there was tension with the curch at
first) - catholic church allows for him to demonstrate his legitimacy
Anointing of the rulers (kings are anointed by the church;
symbollically showing the approval of God)
Anti-semitism (similar to laws of the Theodosian code in order to
erradicate anything that wasn't cathollic; artifically accelerating the
catholisization of Spain)
Very unstable society as there is a war to maintain control of the kingdom
Disruptive force pushing other groups around
They are the least cohesive group
Early raids on Eastern Empire rebuffed
From Hungarian base, raids into Gaul by 450
They are extracting resources
Battle of Chalons 452 they are defeated
Aetius last Romn magister militum
Stabbed to death by Valentian III
Leo I
Atilla and his young bride 453
Theodoric (r. 489-526)
One of the last groups to come into the Roman empire
Marked the transition from the Empire into something different
Highly romanized
Invasion of Italy to oust "usurper" Odovacer 489
Split society
Roman administration survived, and applied to Romans
Goths as military, kept seperate from Italian population who support
them, Aria but tolerant
Preservation and even renaissance of Roman culture
Diplomacy through marriange, Germanic stability in south with Visigoths against
Franks through marriage
Byzantines (535, 552) and Lombards (586) wipe out ?
Last group to come into northern Europe
Communication between Franks and northern European roots
Kingdom of Sygarius 486
Were not arians, did not convert to Christianity
Franks most Germanic, never migrated, expanded
Also never Christian, so directly Catholic, Converts like Constantine 495
Note that in 495, no major leader was Catholic (assures survival of
catholicism) although nominal, allows for missionizing and church
South of Gaul was Catholic with Arian Visigoth rulers
Beginning of kinship as family rule (Merovingians) no longer merit
Kingdom is divided as property (splits property among his sons)
Collapse of Roman administrative apparatus
Consul Clovis
Franks inexperienced administrators
Lecture 4 -Barbarians
Tuesday, September 19, 2017 2:03 PM
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Role of Germanic tribes in fall of Empire, but more important, as third pillar of
Medieval Society (Rome, Church and Germanic)
Transition or catastrophe?
Catastrophic - inherently better because it was stable
Mutually beneficial with Rome
From 5th C. BCE, along borders, well-known starting from 1st C. BCE
Sources: Julius Caesar, archeology, later laws and languages, Tacitus, Gregory of
Invasion of barbarians
Lends intentionality that it didn’t have
Migrations and movements into the Roman empire
Problem with Sources?
Subjective, biased, difficult to deal with
Written sources (narrative sources, letters)
Archaeology is a subjective source - decisions made to excavate and interpret
Legal codes helps to understand
Tacitus (Roman historian) describes the Germans as being very morally upright -
fierce warriors and having allegiance to their leaders, talking about the faults
with the Roman society itself
Uses the Germans as a foil for the Romans
Gregory of Tours is writing subjectively - writing about the society he knows and
people he interacts with
NOT barbarian invasions
Mutual benefits of early contacts with Rome
Integrations and foederati
Rome is expanding out
Trades and processed goods being exported and sold to Germanic peoples
Raw materials are being sold by Germanic tribes to Rome
Ideas are being circulated (cultural exchange)
Germanic tribes sell military and bodies
Rome is not able to support a large army financially
Allow Germanic tribes to live on the border to allow them to protect them
from others who try to come into Rome (tribes are not being Romanized)
Leads to the disintegration of Roman values
Slow absorption good and possible for empire but by 5th century flow increases
to mass migrations
False narrative there is a cohesive process of migration
Migraitng in and around the empire
Makes it seem like these are all the same people - that the tribes have the
same identity
Volkerwanderung ≠ invasion
Not enough food to eat (due to climate change, artifically
manufactured food problems, political conflicts, other groups
moving into the areas)
When there is a scarcity of resources between the different groups,
there will be military conflict
Seeking peace
Seeking to become part of the empire as they are looking for safety
Were pushed out of Asia
What is wrong with maps?
By simplifying to the point of saying different tribes were in specific areas, it
erases the diversity of the territory
Chronologically wrong, no point in time when everything on the map was true
Tries to freeze time and give an abstract representation of reality
Transition or catastrophe?
Accomodation vs. Conquest
Bring colonists
Northern parts of the empire that have farmers that use the land to grow
Use violent force in order to carve out a place for them to survive
Militaristically antagonistic
What changes occur?
Politically (local, regional, national levels)
Provincialisation (roads, aquaducts) - no longer fiscal and
governmental resources which means that people do not move
around that much; decline in long distance travel which means
everything becomes localized (religion, trade, rulers)
Moving away from a more widespread communication
Sword/bible > Virgil (Roman elite had a shared education that was
based on Virgil - it was a symbol and pathway to keep power, as
well as a way to exclude people from power)
Political power is now based on the ability to have military
prowess which means that there is political legtimacy (people
of the curch are now studying the bible, not latin clasics
Radical material simplicfication
Production and trade is localized
The kinds of things that are being produced is less diverse
Materials are less sophisticated and diverse
Collapsed tax base - land occupation
Allowed for gladiator fights, etc.
Paid for an empire to survive on a high level for thousands of
With the rise of the Germanic kingdoms there was no longer a
fiscal system to bring resources into the capital cities (paying
warriors in land which is a finite resource)
Constant process of rulers being ousted because there are no
more resources to buy the warriors off
Society is much less urban than before
80% of the population was peasants but a society that defined
itself as being urban
Very little contact with itself (people living in small societies)
The Meeting between Leo and the Great and Attila - 453
Shows that governmental structures no longer exist
Ethnogenesis (creations of an ethnicity)
Ethnicity as a category
Problematic due to the white guys who "created history"
And the sources that we have to examine
Romans saw themselves as having a character that was seen as
Historians in the 19th century that are writing their national identities
they are applying biological race/etnicity to Germanic people, making
groups into something that is tangable and real (not how ethnicity
Takes away individual agency and takes away complication
Chronologically dishonest (did not have these labels for ourselves)
Ethnicity is a form of identity which means that people are allowed to
have other identities and be who they are
People's identities depend on the situation that we are observing them
Using different identities to form different ones
Category vs. Process
Ethnicity as identity
Situational, nested and contigent
Ship of Theseus?
Replacing individual parts of an entire thing - at what point is it not that
original thing anymore? Same with the groups in Europe
Ignoring the instability of identity over time
Models of ethnic formation and maintenance
Group around royal family (Franks)
Identity is tied to a lineage rather than a single person
Grouped around charismatic leader, maintaining differences within a
group (Huns)
Loosely formed communities, more as events (Slavs)
Artifical constructs that have been created and forced onto people
None of these groups have been always together, they are created
and maintained through abstract ideas
People being buried with their posessions/jewels
Showing legitimacy
Huns went through the process of skull binding as it was seen to be
aesthetically pleasing
Buried just like native women
This shows they have an identity/ethnicity they were born with, but
then shows that their identity changed throughout their lives
Identity is tied to her gender
Germanic Society
Romans when they come into contact with Germanic groups they are not who
they used to be
Forced into being semi-nomadic societies
Agricultural/pastoral society in northern Europe
Kinship based societies
No government, society based on personal ties (lordship)
Single leaders to unite tribes temporary, "chieftans" rather than "kings"
Provide safety, resources, wealth to the warrior elites who bring with
them groups of followers
Little coalescence, groups under dux come through Roman influence
Society characterized by kindship and warrior loyalty
Kinship: circle of relatives to lend support, and carry out blood feud
(inherently violent)
Lordship: sworn loyalty to military leader, without obligating member of
kin group
Warrior leaders supported by others in return for protection and booty
Violence society because of circumstances, not nature
Attacking kinship groups to get resoures
War = social engineering at a time when Rome was falling under incompetents
Feuds and Wergeldn
Legal system based on compurgation and orgal
Man = money
Monetizes violent relationships in order to cut down on them
Missionized by Ulfias
They are considered to be heretics later on
More on physical nature of Christ and this is the type of Christianity that
was prominent in the Roman Empire when they Germanic tribes at first
came in contact with the Romans
Convert to this form of Christianity - when they come into contact with
the Romans, they are believed to be the wrong type of Christian as the
Romans believe in a different type of Christianity
Therefore there is religious tension
Legal system based on ordeal
Allow God to decide on who has done wrong in society
Your status helps to protect you
Different ways to decide guilt/innocence based on the ordeal - risking life
Invited in, cheated, Adrianople 378
Arian leaders tried to exploit the Visigoths (tried to starve them to get
more taxes)
Rebelled and the Visigoths won the battle of Adrianople
Germanization of army (Stilicho vs. Alaric 402 - both are generals who are
Roman military elites are most likely Germanic
Alaric and siege of Rome 410
City is attacked by the Visigoths
This is a symbollically charged moment
Pressure from Franks on Visigoths in Southern Gaul
Visigoths migrate to Spain
Constant disruption of rule (Gothic disease)
Catholization under Recared, then strong church support for monarchy
(were originally arians which meant there was tension with the curch at
first) - catholic church allows for him to demonstrate his legitimacy
Anointing of the rulers (kings are anointed by the church;
symbollically showing the approval of God)
Anti-semitism (similar to laws of the Theodosian code in order to
erradicate anything that wasn't cathollic; artifically accelerating the
catholisization of Spain)
Very unstable society as there is a war to maintain control of the kingdom
Disruptive force pushing other groups around
They are the least cohesive group
Early raids on Eastern Empire rebuffed
From Hungarian base, raids into Gaul by 450
They are extracting resources
Battle of Chalons 452 they are defeated
Aetius last Romn magister militum
Stabbed to death by Valentian III
Leo I
Atilla and his young bride 453
Theodoric (r. 489-526)
One of the last groups to come into the Roman empire
Marked the transition from the Empire into something different
Highly romanized
Invasion of Italy to oust "usurper" Odovacer 489
Split society
Roman administration survived, and applied to Romans
Goths as military, kept seperate from Italian population who support
them, Aria but tolerant
Preservation and even renaissance of Roman culture
Diplomacy through marriange, Germanic stability in south with Visigoths against
Franks through marriage
Byzantines (535, 552) and Lombards (586) wipe out ?
Last group to come into northern Europe
Communication between Franks and northern European roots
Kingdom of Sygarius 486
Were not arians, did not convert to Christianity
Franks most Germanic, never migrated, expanded
Also never Christian, so directly Catholic, Converts like Constantine 495
Note that in 495, no major leader was Catholic (assures survival of
catholicism) although nominal, allows for missionizing and church
South of Gaul was Catholic with Arian Visigoth rulers
Beginning of kinship as family rule (Merovingians) no longer merit
Kingdom is divided as property (splits property among his sons)
Collapse of Roman administrative apparatus
Consul Clovis
Franks inexperienced administrators
Lecture 4 -Barbarians
Tuesday, September 19, 2017 2:03 PM
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Document Summary

Role of germanic tribes in fall of empire, but more important, as third pillar of. Catastrophic - inherently better because it was stable. From 5th c. bce, along borders, well-known starting from 1st c. bce. Sources: julius caesar, archeology, later laws and languages, tacitus, gregory of. Archaeology is a subjective source - decisions made to excavate and interpret. Tacitus (roman historian) describes the germans as being very morally upright - fierce warriors and having allegiance to their leaders, talking about the faults with the roman society itself. Uses the germans as a foil for the romans. Gregory of tours is writing subjectively - writing about the society he knows and people he interacts with. Trades and processed goods being exported and sold to germanic peoples. Raw materials are being sold by germanic tribes to rome. Rome is not able to support a large army financially.

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