CHEM 282 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Collecting Duct System, Abdominal Cavity, Dartos

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Successful sexual reproduction depends on the union of female and male gametes to form a new individual with a full chromosome set. Primary reproductive organs are called gonads which are the tested in males and ovaries in females. The male and female reproductive systems both include a reproductive tract, allowing for gamete transport after they are produced and sex glands which release supportive secretions into the reproductive tract. External genitalia is the visible part of the reproductive tract. Male reproductive functions include two essential roles: production of sperm. Sperm are the gametes of the male reproductive system and are produced in the testes. Testes are found outside the abdominal cavity suspended in front of the scrotum: delivery of sperm to the female. Sperm exit the testes through the reproductive tract and are suspended in secretions from the sex glands. These glands include the seminal vesicles, prostate gland and bulbourethral glands.