CHEM 282 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Reddit, Reproductive Health, Leydig Cell

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The pitw assignments incorporate all four program learning outcomes (plo 1-4). They address the following program competencies: communicator; advocate; scholar; professional; content expert. This first pitw assignment covers modules 1 (endocrine) and 2 (reproductive). Attached, you will find the supporting materials for pitw #1. This assignment"s inspiration was a reddit post written in spring 2020, which effectively communicates how the endocrine and reproductive systems are sometimes impacted upon by surprising sources such as cardiorespiratory infections, like covid-19. This pre-print study was eventually submitted for publication, peer-reviewed, and formally published in july 2020. The reddit post (pages 1-2), pre-print (pages 3-4) and final article (you are not obligated to read the full article) are provided for your consideration. As someone studying the endocrine and reproductive systems, you are well-poised to critically assess the physiologic impact that altered hormone levels may have on the individual and the mechanisms that may cause such changes.