ECN 340 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Vacuum Cleaner

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Fa(cid:373)il(cid:455) is a (cid:858)produci(cid:374)g u(cid:374)it(cid:859) (cid:894)like a fir(cid:373)(cid:895) Transforms input and produces the things wanted by the family. Look at economic and social importance of the marriage contract, the difficulty of dissolving the (cid:858)produci(cid:374)g u(cid:374)it(cid:859) (divorce), the implication of love, and what determines the roles in the marriage. It is an open ended contract; not all eventual possibilities are spelled out. Marriage, or the cohabitation, is a legally enforceable contract between two people. Marriage is much like a constitution, or by-laws that govern behaviour in a firm. Purpose of dating is to work out provisions of a contract. Poorly put together contract soon leads to dissolution. If the(cid:455) wa(cid:374)t/do(cid:374)(cid:859)t wa(cid:374)t childre(cid:374: house roles. What would be included in the contract: nondisclosure, responsibilities. Obstacles of taking spouse to court for breach of contract: cost, animosity. Divorce is dissolution of the contract, just like a break-up of a business.

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