PSYC 221 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Empiricism, Franciscus Donders, Experimental Psychology

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Document Summary

Definition of cognition: knowledge from personal view or experience; perception; a thing to known. Cognitive psychology: refers to all processes by which sensory input is transformed, reduced, elaborated, stored, recovered, and used. Structure/ representation: the knowledge you possess; the information in your memory. Process: an operation on an external stimulus or on an internal representation. Executing a process can use an existing memory representation, update or reinterpret an existing representation, or create a new representation. Cognition: what is actually going on in the mind. Performance: the observable behaviour that we must use as evidence of cognition. Performance is an imperfect window on cognition- but it"s all we have. Kant"s transcendental method from observing effects to inferring their causes (first date/ making dinner) Shifts emphasis from sensation/ perception to the integration of sensory information. Theory of air as the vehicle for cognition. Helmholtz, fechner, weber, donders developing ways to study how perception worked.

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