ZOO 4910 Lecture Notes - Lecture 15: Pituitary Gland, Hypothalamus, Testicle

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Arnold Berthold and the history of endocrinology
Hormone synthesis is highly conserved
Input, integration, and output
Types of cycles and their mechanisms
How to investigate behavioural endocrinology
Capons (castrated roosters) = hens
Hypothesis: intact testes are required for the development
of "male" characteristics
Arnold Berthold: first formal endocrine experiment in 1849
Group 1: castrated rooster --> caponization
Berthold's Classic Experiment:
Testes can be transplanted
Transplanted testes are functional
Not a neuronal process (all nerves were severed when testes
Revised hypothesis: testes secrete a "blood borne product"
= hormones
Determined that
Historical roots of behavioural endocrinology:
Testosterone --> ARs
Estradiol --> ERs
Glucocorticoids (cortisol/corticosterone) --> GRs
Hormone --> Receptor:
Hormones -organic chemical messengers produced and released
by endocrine glands into the bloodstream
Pituitary gland
Parathyroid gand
Pineal gland
Thyroid gland
Adrenal gland
Endocrine glands -highly conserved among vertebrae taxa in
form and function
*see slide
Steroid hormone biosynthesis:
The Endocrine System:
Stress exposure during development decreases song quality and
HVC size
Neuroprotective mechanism to counter stress-induced
DHEA plays a unique role in the songbird brain during stress
CORT only
DHEA only
4 groups of adult male song sparrows in non-breeding
condition were treated with physiological steroid doses or 4
Decreased with corticosterone
Increased with DHEA
No significant change with both
Determined brain region volume, mature neuron number
and newborn cells
Avian Song Control System:
Output: behaviour
Integration: CNS / endocrine glands
Input: physical environment + social environment
Testosterone levels increase in breeding stage (decreases in
Avian brain contains endrogen and estrogen receptors
Large gonads --> high concentrations of circulating
hormones --> enlarged song control nuclei in
brain --> song behaviour
Regressed gonads --> low concentrations of
circulating hormones --> smaller song control nuclei
in brain --> no song behaviour
Control of bird song:
Endocrine Control of Behaviour:
Food availability
Foraging effort
Ambient temperature
Predator pressure
Food quality
Food quantity
Reproduction is a function of:
Capital Breeding -using stored energy to reproduce
(gestation occurs when food abundance is low)
Income Breeding -relying on energy availability (usually
will occur later in the year when food abundance is high)
Two reproductive strategies (see slide):
Yolk: nutrients from wintering sites and breeding
Albumen: nutrients from breeding sites
Ex. Eggs of arctic breeding eiders (exogenous and
endogenous nutrients)
Migratory birds combine these strategies
Increased melatonin during short days inhibits
Longer days releases inhibition by melatonin
*see slide for mechanism
Daily rhythms may be influenced by melatonin (high at night)
and cortisol (peaks in the morning)
Environmentally triggered
E.g. seasonal allergies
Cycles analogous to type I&II rhythms, but phase
transitions are dependent on environmental stimuli
Type III -exogenous
Product of circannual clocks
E.g. ground squirrel body weight
Cycles analogous to type I rhythms, but not
dependent on photoperiod (likely genetic)
*even under constant day length, physiological
processes cycle
Type II -endogenous
*see slide
As days get shorter, transition out of
reproductive condition
Despite short days, start to become
reproductively active
They are then insensitive to day length
E.g. small mammals or avian reproduction
Type I -mixed input (endogenous/exogenous)
Types of Rhythms:
Evolution of Seasonal Rhythms
Remove hormone --> behaviour abolished1.
Restore hormone --> behaviour reinstated2.
Hormone concentration --> covaries with behavioural intensity 3.
To confirm a hormone-behaviour relationship, three experimental
conditions should be met:
Different selection pressures modify the hormonal mechanisms of
Parental care
Immune suppression
Cost of testosterone
Alternative hormonal mechanisms
Endocrine control of behaviour has many shared mechanisms across
species, but:
Ex. Territorial behaviour coincide with high testosterone levels in
Long-term, irreversible
During critical periods of development
Permanent effects on adult physiology and behaviour
Hormonal environment (in utero) affects adult
Male between 2 females in utero: increased parental
care, decreased aggression
Male between 2 other males in utero: increase
aggression, decrease parental care
Delayed puberty
High parental care and "choosy"
All females in utero:
Mature earlier
More accepting of strange males
Female between two males in utero:
Ex. Do steroids make men more aggressive?
Organizational Effects1.
Short term, reversible
Acute effects of hormones
Maintains behaviours in adulthood
Oxytocin injection and optical stimulation of
oxytocin neurons stimulated maternal behaviour in
rats (specifically neurons in the left auditory cortex)
Optical stimulation (so brain thinks its
receiving oxytocin) is higher than
injected with oxytocin
Saline solution (control) causes virgin to
slowly increase pup retrieval behaviour
over time
Virgins injected with oxytocin start to engage
in pup retrieval behaviour
*usually a isolated pup will be brought back to the
den by a dam (not a naïve virgin)
Muscimol infusion reduced retrieval behaviour
of experienced moms
Note: muscimol is an antagonist to oxytocin
Auditory cortex (left):
Ex. Oxytocin exposure triggers maternal behaviour in
Open prairie habitat
monogamous, biparental
Live in family groups
Prairie vole:
Rocky mountain habitat
Promiscuous, uniparental
Solitary territories
Montane vole:
Prairie vole prefers partner (montane prefers
Many AVP receptors in nucleus
accumbens and ventral pallidum (area of
brain involved in addiction)
Prairie: long-term pair bond (life long
No AVP receptors in nuclear accumbens
Montane: no pair bound
Increased levels of vasopression:
If AVP receptor is blocked in Prairie voles,
they do not prefer spending time with their
partner vs. stranger
If AVP is injected, one can enhance partner
preference (increase intensity)
Manipulating AVP receptor activity:
Using transgenic techniques, the AVP gene is
This caused the vole to prefer their partner
rather than a stranger --> pair bond behaviour
Transgenic Montane Vole:
Higher: homerange, extrapair, intrusion
rate, male visits
EPF: males roam and mate with additional
IPF: males stay closer to home and are more
*due to RSC-V1aR (higher in IPF)
IPF: higher for HI vs LO
EPF: higher for LO (very
low for HI)
Relative fitness differs when
broken down between IPF and EPF
with HI and LO
Overall, the relative fitness is similar
within populations with high RSC-V1aR
(HI) and low RSC-V1aR (LO)
*balancing selection = variation in
social/mating behaviour
Sexual fidelity trade-offs promote regulatory
variation in the prairie vole brain
Ex. Vole partner preference
Activational Effects2.
Mechanisms for Hormone Action:
Hormones influence behaviour BUT the outcomes of a behaviour
can influence hormone production
Ex. salivary testosterone levels increased in the winning
team following the game and decreased in the losing team
Simulated territorial intrusion induces aggressive behaviour BUT
testosterone levels increase after the challenge has ceased and
remain elevated
California mice win in aggressive actions --> hormones
increase so it can win again
White-footed mice has increased win with aggressive
action if given testosterone (vs. saline) --> sets up "winning
"The Winner Effect":
Porn viewership went way done
Fans of winning team: increase porn watching after game
Losing team: smaller increase in porn watching after game
Testosterone levels in men:
Behavioural Control of Hormones: "the challenge hypothesis"
Topic: Sexchange & Fisticuffs in Fish, and the Ecophysiology of Stress
The brain not only controls behaviour; behaviour can also affect
the brain
Males act aggressively to females
Aggressive social environment inhibits aggressive
behaviour in females
Protogynous fish:
Protogyny: sex change from female to male
Largest: alpha males
Large: older females
Small: younger females
Has 3 morphs:
The largest female will then have a function
transformation to male (within days)
If the alpha male is removed from a population, the largest
female displays male behaviour (within hours)
*also known to change from male to female
*see slide
Note: steroid synthesis occurs in the gonads and the
Testosterone can be converted into 11-ketotestosterone via
11beta-HSD (--> male physiology and behaviour) and
estradiol via aromatase (--> female physiology and
Low aromatase activity so T --> KT which
drives aggression and courtship
Dominant Male
High aromatase activity so T-->E2
Large & Small Female
Results in male gonads --> functional
alpha male (results in courtship)
Low aromatase activity (decreases rapidly) so
T--> KT causes male behaviour with high
Brain aromatase activity decreases
Gonad aromatase activity does not differ
Large Female:
With dominant male removed:
Ex. Blue Banded Goby:
Neurosteroids and Behaviour
Output: behaviour, physiology, phenotypic plasticity
Integration: CNS/endocrine glands
Input: physical and social environments
*see slide
Adrenal cortex in mammals/birds
--> glucocorticoids such as cortisol (provides
negative feedback to anterior pituitary and
Interrenal tissue in amphibians and fish
Highly conserved across vertebrates
Corticosterone: birds, rats
Cortisol: primates, fish, mammals
--> mobilize energy stores to fuel fight or flight
Glucocorticoids: stress hormone
Mobilize energy stores to fuel fight or flight
Increased heart rate
Inhibited reproduction
Inhibited digestion
Increased analgesia
Acute stress response (short-term adaptive)
Impotence, anovulation
Peptic ulcers
Chronic stress response (long-term costly)
Traditional Dichotomous Outcomes:
HPA Axis:
Thermal stress hides upstrike in inflammation when
rodents are fed high-cholesterol diet
Atherosclerosis effects from western diet were
not detected because mice at low temperatures
have high inflammation
Masks experimental outcome:
Ex. Chilly cages may skew disease studies in lab mice
Designing Physiological Studies:
Presence of predators have an impact
Higher in tadpoles
Higher in juveniles
No significant difference in stressed juveniles
(already at maximum stress level --> harder to
respond to additional stresses)
Whole-body glucocorticoid levels increases with
predatory biomass
Trunk length was smaller in individuals
exposed to predators or with CORT
--> higher probability of survival in presence of
Tail height was higher in individuals exposed to
predators or with CORT
by changing swimming behaviour + less for
predator to grab
Cost: lower reproductive output (but have
higher survival when young = trade-off)
short and wide tail with predators -higher fitness
Ex. Phenotypic plasticity in amphibian tadpoles
High reproductive
Shorter lifespan
Always have high testosterone
Yes -high CORT & No -low CORT
Males with blue-orange phenotypes (--> directional
No reproductive
Moderate lifespan
Low testosterone
Yes -high CORT
Moderate reproductive
Moderate lifespan
Sedentary satellite
High testosterone
No -low CORT
Males with orange phenotypes (--> disruptive
Ex. Tree lizards -relative plasticity
Adaptive Stress-mediated Responses:
*see slide
Epigenetics: heritable changes in gene expression and
phenotype that are independent of DNA sequence
Female and germ line forming embryo directly
experienced stressor
F0: non-pregnant female exposed to stressor
F1: directly experienced stressor as germ line
F2 & F3: never directly experienced stressor
Example 1:
Pregnant female embryo and embryos germ
line directly experienced stressor
F0: pregnant female exposed to stressor
F1: directly experienced stressor as embryo
F2: directly experiences stressor as germ line
F3: never directly experienced stressor
Example 2:
Shut off stress response quickly
Less anxious
Low maternal glucocorticoids (high GR expression):
Hyper-responsive to stress exposure
Anxiety behaviour
High maternal glucocorticoids (low GR expression):
*therefore GR expression as fetus = adult stress
Prenatal stress in rodents: lasting effect in offspring
High GR expression
Lower peak cortisol, quick stress
Low anxiety behaviour
High maternal behaviour
F1 offspring:
Control (no prenatal stress) --> high maternal
Low GR expression
Hyper-responsive to stress
Anxious as adults
Low maternal behaviour
F1 offspring:
Prenatal stress --> low maternal behaviour
Early life stress --> mother's stress phenotype --> maternal
*see stress-induced changes in maternal gut could
negatively impact offspring for life
High natal philopatry
Ecology well described
Maternal behaviour
Density = stress
Kluane Red Squirrel Project (Yukon)
Early Life Effects:
Ecophysiology of Stress:
Behavioural Neuroendocrinology
Wednesday,+ November+ 8,+2017
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Arnold Berthold and the history of endocrinology
Hormone synthesis is highly conserved
Input, integration, and output
Types of cycles and their mechanisms
How to investigate behavioural endocrinology
Capons (castrated roosters) = hens
Observed: sexually dimorphic behaviour and appearance
Hypothesis: intact testes are required for the development
of "male" characteristics
Arnold Berthold: first formal endocrine experiment in 1849
Group 1: castrated rooster --> caponization
Group 2: castrated rooster with testes re-implanted -->
normal male development
Group 3: castrated rooster with transplanted testes -->
normal male development
Berthold's Classic Experiment:
Testes can be transplanted
Transplanted testes are functional
Not a neuronal process (all nerves were severed when testes
Revised hypothesis: testes secrete a "blood borne product"
= hormones
Determined that
Historical roots of behavioural endocrinology:
Testosterone --> ARs
Estradiol --> ERs
Glucocorticoids (cortisol/corticosterone) --> GRs
Hormone --> Receptor:
Hormones -organic chemical messengers produced and released
by endocrine glands into the bloodstream
Pituitary gland
Parathyroid gand
Pineal gland
Thyroid gland
Adrenal gland
Endocrine glands -highly conserved among vertebrae taxa in
form and function
*see slide
Steroid hormone biosynthesis:
The Endocrine System:
Stress exposure during development decreases song quality and
HVC size
DHEA plays a unique role in the songbird brain during stress
CORT only
DHEA only
4 groups of adult male song sparrows in non-breeding
condition were treated with physiological steroid doses or 4
Decreased with corticosterone
Increased with DHEA
No significant change with both
Avian Song Control System:
Output: behaviour
Integration: CNS / endocrine glands
Input: physical environment + social environment
Testosterone levels increase in breeding stage (decreases in
Avian brain contains endrogen and estrogen receptors
Large gonads --> high concentrations of circulating
hormones --> enlarged song control nuclei in
brain --> song behaviour
Regressed gonads --> low concentrations of
circulating hormones --> smaller song control nuclei
in brain --> no song behaviour
Control of bird song:
Endocrine Control of Behaviour:
Food availability
Foraging effort
Ambient temperature
Predator pressure
Food quality
Food quantity
Reproduction is a function of:
Capital Breeding -using stored energy to reproduce
(gestation occurs when food abundance is low)
Income Breeding -relying on energy availability (usually
will occur later in the year when food abundance is high)
Two reproductive strategies (see slide):
Yolk: nutrients from wintering sites and breeding
Albumen: nutrients from breeding sites
Ex. Eggs of arctic breeding eiders (exogenous and
endogenous nutrients)
Migratory birds combine these strategies
Increased melatonin during short days inhibits
Longer days releases inhibition by melatonin
*see slide for mechanism
Daily rhythms may be influenced by melatonin (high at night)
and cortisol (peaks in the morning)
Environmentally triggered
E.g. seasonal allergies
Cycles analogous to type I&II rhythms, but phase
transitions are dependent on environmental stimuli
Type III -exogenous
Product of circannual clocks
E.g. ground squirrel body weight
Cycles analogous to type I rhythms, but not
dependent on photoperiod (likely genetic)
*even under constant day length, physiological
processes cycle
Type II -endogenous
*see slide
As days get shorter, transition out of
reproductive condition
Despite short days, start to become
reproductively active
They are then insensitive to day length
E.g. small mammals or avian reproduction
Type I -mixed input (endogenous/exogenous)
Types of Rhythms:
Evolution of Seasonal Rhythms
Remove hormone --> behaviour abolished1.
Restore hormone --> behaviour reinstated2.
Hormone concentration --> covaries with behavioural intensity 3.
To confirm a hormone-behaviour relationship, three experimental
conditions should be met:
Different selection pressures modify the hormonal mechanisms of
Parental care
Immune suppression
Cost of testosterone
Alternative hormonal mechanisms
Endocrine control of behaviour has many shared mechanisms across
species, but:
Ex. Territorial behaviour coincide with high testosterone levels in
Long-term, irreversible
During critical periods of development
Permanent effects on adult physiology and behaviour
Hormonal environment (in utero) affects adult
Male between 2 females in utero: increased parental
care, decreased aggression
Male between 2 other males in utero: increase
aggression, decrease parental care
Delayed puberty
High parental care and "choosy"
All females in utero:
Mature earlier
More accepting of strange males
Female between two males in utero:
Ex. Do steroids make men more aggressive?
Organizational Effects1.
Short term, reversible
Acute effects of hormones
Maintains behaviours in adulthood
Oxytocin injection and optical stimulation of
oxytocin neurons stimulated maternal behaviour in
rats (specifically neurons in the left auditory cortex)
Optical stimulation (so brain thinks its
receiving oxytocin) is higher than
injected with oxytocin
Saline solution (control) causes virgin to
slowly increase pup retrieval behaviour
over time
Virgins injected with oxytocin start to engage
in pup retrieval behaviour
*usually a isolated pup will be brought back to the
den by a dam (not a naïve virgin)
Muscimol infusion reduced retrieval behaviour
of experienced moms
Note: muscimol is an antagonist to oxytocin
Auditory cortex (left):
Ex. Oxytocin exposure triggers maternal behaviour in
Open prairie habitat
monogamous, biparental
Live in family groups
Prairie vole:
Rocky mountain habitat
Promiscuous, uniparental
Solitary territories
Montane vole:
Prairie vole prefers partner (montane prefers
Many AVP receptors in nucleus
accumbens and ventral pallidum (area of
brain involved in addiction)
Prairie: long-term pair bond (life long
No AVP receptors in nuclear accumbens
Montane: no pair bound
Increased levels of vasopression:
If AVP receptor is blocked in Prairie voles,
they do not prefer spending time with their
partner vs. stranger
If AVP is injected, one can enhance partner
preference (increase intensity)
Manipulating AVP receptor activity:
Using transgenic techniques, the AVP gene is
This caused the vole to prefer their partner
rather than a stranger --> pair bond behaviour
Transgenic Montane Vole:
Higher: homerange, extrapair, intrusion
rate, male visits
EPF: males roam and mate with additional
IPF: males stay closer to home and are more
*due to RSC-V1aR (higher in IPF)
IPF: higher for HI vs LO
EPF: higher for LO (very
low for HI)
Relative fitness differs when
broken down between IPF and EPF
with HI and LO
Overall, the relative fitness is similar
within populations with high RSC-V1aR
(HI) and low RSC-V1aR (LO)
*balancing selection = variation in
social/mating behaviour
Sexual fidelity trade-offs promote regulatory
variation in the prairie vole brain
Ex. Vole partner preference
Activational Effects2.
Mechanisms for Hormone Action:
Hormones influence behaviour BUT the outcomes of a behaviour
can influence hormone production
Ex. salivary testosterone levels increased in the winning
team following the game and decreased in the losing team
Simulated territorial intrusion induces aggressive behaviour BUT
testosterone levels increase after the challenge has ceased and
remain elevated
California mice win in aggressive actions --> hormones
increase so it can win again
White-footed mice has increased win with aggressive
action if given testosterone (vs. saline) --> sets up "winning
"The Winner Effect":
Porn viewership went way done
Fans of winning team: increase porn watching after game
Losing team: smaller increase in porn watching after game
Testosterone levels in men:
Behavioural Control of Hormones: "the challenge hypothesis"
Topic: Sexchange & Fisticuffs in Fish, and the Ecophysiology of Stress
The brain not only controls behaviour; behaviour can also affect
the brain
Males act aggressively to females
Aggressive social environment inhibits aggressive
behaviour in females
Protogynous fish:
Protogyny: sex change from female to male
Largest: alpha males
Large: older females
Small: younger females
Has 3 morphs:
The largest female will then have a function
transformation to male (within days)
If the alpha male is removed from a population, the largest
female displays male behaviour (within hours)
*also known to change from male to female
*see slide
Note: steroid synthesis occurs in the gonads and the
Testosterone can be converted into 11-ketotestosterone via
11beta-HSD (--> male physiology and behaviour) and
estradiol via aromatase (--> female physiology and
Low aromatase activity so T --> KT which
drives aggression and courtship
Dominant Male
High aromatase activity so T-->E2
Large & Small Female
Results in male gonads --> functional
alpha male (results in courtship)
Low aromatase activity (decreases rapidly) so
T--> KT causes male behaviour with high
Brain aromatase activity decreases
Gonad aromatase activity does not differ
Large Female:
With dominant male removed:
Ex. Blue Banded Goby:
Neurosteroids and Behaviour
Output: behaviour, physiology, phenotypic plasticity
Integration: CNS/endocrine glands
Input: physical and social environments
*see slide
Adrenal cortex in mammals/birds
--> glucocorticoids such as cortisol (provides
negative feedback to anterior pituitary and
Interrenal tissue in amphibians and fish
Highly conserved across vertebrates
Corticosterone: birds, rats
Cortisol: primates, fish, mammals
--> mobilize energy stores to fuel fight or flight
Glucocorticoids: stress hormone
Mobilize energy stores to fuel fight or flight
Increased heart rate
Inhibited reproduction
Inhibited digestion
Increased analgesia
Acute stress response (short-term adaptive)
Impotence, anovulation
Peptic ulcers
Chronic stress response (long-term costly)
Traditional Dichotomous Outcomes:
HPA Axis:
Thermal stress hides upstrike in inflammation when
rodents are fed high-cholesterol diet
Atherosclerosis effects from western diet were
not detected because mice at low temperatures
have high inflammation
Masks experimental outcome:
Ex. Chilly cages may skew disease studies in lab mice
Designing Physiological Studies:
Presence of predators have an impact
Higher in tadpoles
Higher in juveniles
No significant difference in stressed juveniles
(already at maximum stress level --> harder to
respond to additional stresses)
Whole-body glucocorticoid levels increases with
predatory biomass
Trunk length was smaller in individuals
exposed to predators or with CORT
--> higher probability of survival in presence of
Tail height was higher in individuals exposed to
predators or with CORT
by changing swimming behaviour + less for
predator to grab
Cost: lower reproductive output (but have
higher survival when young = trade-off)
short and wide tail with predators -higher fitness
Ex. Phenotypic plasticity in amphibian tadpoles
High reproductive
Shorter lifespan
Always have high testosterone
Yes -high CORT & No -low CORT
Males with blue-orange phenotypes (--> directional
No reproductive
Moderate lifespan
Low testosterone
Yes -high CORT
Moderate reproductive
Moderate lifespan
Sedentary satellite
High testosterone
No -low CORT
Males with orange phenotypes (--> disruptive
Ex. Tree lizards -relative plasticity
Adaptive Stress-mediated Responses:
*see slide
Epigenetics: heritable changes in gene expression and
phenotype that are independent of DNA sequence
Female and germ line forming embryo directly
experienced stressor
F0: non-pregnant female exposed to stressor
F1: directly experienced stressor as germ line
F2 & F3: never directly experienced stressor
Example 1:
Pregnant female embryo and embryos germ
line directly experienced stressor
F0: pregnant female exposed to stressor
F1: directly experienced stressor as embryo
F2: directly experiences stressor as germ line
F3: never directly experienced stressor
Example 2:
Shut off stress response quickly
Less anxious
Low maternal glucocorticoids (high GR expression):
Hyper-responsive to stress exposure
Anxiety behaviour
High maternal glucocorticoids (low GR expression):
*therefore GR expression as fetus = adult stress
Prenatal stress in rodents: lasting effect in offspring
High GR expression
Lower peak cortisol, quick stress
Low anxiety behaviour
High maternal behaviour
F1 offspring:
Control (no prenatal stress) --> high maternal
Low GR expression
Hyper-responsive to stress
Anxious as adults
Low maternal behaviour
F1 offspring:
Prenatal stress --> low maternal behaviour
Early life stress --> mother's stress phenotype --> maternal
*see stress-induced changes in maternal gut could
negatively impact offspring for life
High natal philopatry
Ecology well described
Maternal behaviour
Density = stress
Kluane Red Squirrel Project (Yukon)
Early Life Effects:
Ecophysiology of Stress:
Behavioural Neuroendocrinology
Wednesday,+ November+ 8,+2017 12:30+PM
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Arnold Berthold and the history of endocrinology
Hormone synthesis is highly conserved
Input, integration, and output
Types of cycles and their mechanisms
How to investigate behavioural endocrinology
Capons (castrated roosters) = hens
Observed: sexually dimorphic behaviour and appearance
Hypothesis: intact testes are required for the development
of "male" characteristics
Arnold Berthold: first formal endocrine experiment in 1849
Group 1: castrated rooster --> caponization
Group 2: castrated rooster with testes re-implanted -->
normal male development
Group 3: castrated rooster with transplanted testes -->
normal male development
Berthold's Classic Experiment:
Testes can be transplanted
Transplanted testes are functional
Not a neuronal process (all nerves were severed when testes
Revised hypothesis: testes secrete a "blood borne product"
= hormones
Determined that
Historical roots of behavioural endocrinology:
Testosterone --> ARs
Estradiol --> ERs
Glucocorticoids (cortisol/corticosterone) --> GRs
Hormone --> Receptor:
Hormones -organic chemical messengers produced and released
by endocrine glands into the bloodstream
Pituitary gland
Parathyroid gand
Pineal gland
Thyroid gland
Adrenal gland
Endocrine glands -highly conserved among vertebrae taxa in
form and function
*see slide
Steroid hormone biosynthesis:
The Endocrine System:
Stress exposure during development decreases song quality and
HVC size
Neuroprotective mechanism to counter stress-induced
DHEA plays a unique role in the songbird brain during stress
CORT only
DHEA only
4 groups of adult male song sparrows in non-breeding
condition were treated with physiological steroid doses or 4
Decreased with corticosterone
Increased with DHEA
No significant change with both
Determined brain region volume, mature neuron number
and newborn cells
Avian Song Control System:
Output: behaviour
Integration: CNS / endocrine glands
Input: physical environment + social environment
Testosterone levels increase in breeding stage (decreases in
Avian brain contains endrogen and estrogen receptors
Large gonads --> high concentrations of circulating
hormones --> enlarged song control nuclei in
brain --> song behaviour
Regressed gonads --> low concentrations of
circulating hormones --> smaller song control nuclei
in brain --> no song behaviour
Control of bird song:
Endocrine Control of Behaviour:
Food availability
Foraging effort
Ambient temperature
Predator pressure
Food quality
Food quantity
Reproduction is a function of:
Two reproductive strategies (see slide):
Yolk: nutrients from wintering sites and breeding
Albumen: nutrients from breeding sites
Migratory birds combine these strategies
Longer days releases inhibition by melatonin
*see slide for mechanism
Daily rhythms may be influenced by melatonin (high at night)
and cortisol (peaks in the morning)
Environmentally triggered
E.g. seasonal allergies
Cycles analogous to type I&II rhythms, but phase
transitions are dependent on environmental stimuli
Type III -exogenous
Product of circannual clocks
E.g. ground squirrel body weight
Cycles analogous to type I rhythms, but not
dependent on photoperiod (likely genetic)
*even under constant day length, physiological
processes cycle
Type II -endogenous
*see slide
As days get shorter, transition out of
reproductive condition
Despite short days, start to become
reproductively active
They are then insensitive to day length
E.g. small mammals or avian reproduction
Type I -mixed input (endogenous/exogenous)
Types of Rhythms:
Evolution of Seasonal Rhythms
Remove hormone --> behaviour abolished1.
Restore hormone --> behaviour reinstated2.
Hormone concentration --> covaries with behavioural intensity 3.
To confirm a hormone-behaviour relationship, three experimental
conditions should be met:
Different selection pressures modify the hormonal mechanisms of
Parental care
Immune suppression
Cost of testosterone
Alternative hormonal mechanisms
Endocrine control of behaviour has many shared mechanisms across
species, but:
Ex. Territorial behaviour coincide with high testosterone levels in
Long-term, irreversible
During critical periods of development
Permanent effects on adult physiology and behaviour
Hormonal environment (in utero) affects adult
Male between 2 females in utero: increased parental
care, decreased aggression
Male between 2 other males in utero: increase
aggression, decrease parental care
Delayed puberty
High parental care and "choosy"
All females in utero:
Mature earlier
More accepting of strange males
Female between two males in utero:
Ex. Do steroids make men more aggressive?
Organizational Effects1.
Short term, reversible
Acute effects of hormones
Maintains behaviours in adulthood
Oxytocin injection and optical stimulation of
oxytocin neurons stimulated maternal behaviour in
rats (specifically neurons in the left auditory cortex)
Optical stimulation (so brain thinks its
receiving oxytocin) is higher than
injected with oxytocin
Saline solution (control) causes virgin to
slowly increase pup retrieval behaviour
over time
Virgins injected with oxytocin start to engage
in pup retrieval behaviour
*usually a isolated pup will be brought back to the
den by a dam (not a naïve virgin)
Muscimol infusion reduced retrieval behaviour
of experienced moms
Note: muscimol is an antagonist to oxytocin
Auditory cortex (left):
Ex. Oxytocin exposure triggers maternal behaviour in
Open prairie habitat
monogamous, biparental
Live in family groups
Prairie vole:
Rocky mountain habitat
Promiscuous, uniparental
Solitary territories
Montane vole:
Prairie vole prefers partner (montane prefers
Many AVP receptors in nucleus
accumbens and ventral pallidum (area of
brain involved in addiction)
Prairie: long-term pair bond (life long
No AVP receptors in nuclear accumbens
Montane: no pair bound
Increased levels of vasopression:
If AVP receptor is blocked in Prairie voles,
they do not prefer spending time with their
partner vs. stranger
If AVP is injected, one can enhance partner
preference (increase intensity)
Manipulating AVP receptor activity:
Using transgenic techniques, the AVP gene is
This caused the vole to prefer their partner
rather than a stranger --> pair bond behaviour
Transgenic Montane Vole:
Higher: homerange, extrapair, intrusion
rate, male visits
EPF: males roam and mate with additional
IPF: males stay closer to home and are more
*due to RSC-V1aR (higher in IPF)
IPF: higher for HI vs LO
EPF: higher for LO (very
low for HI)
Relative fitness differs when
broken down between IPF and EPF
with HI and LO
Overall, the relative fitness is similar
within populations with high RSC-V1aR
(HI) and low RSC-V1aR (LO)
*balancing selection = variation in
social/mating behaviour
Sexual fidelity trade-offs promote regulatory
variation in the prairie vole brain
Ex. Vole partner preference
Activational Effects2.
Mechanisms for Hormone Action:
Hormones influence behaviour BUT the outcomes of a behaviour
can influence hormone production
Ex. salivary testosterone levels increased in the winning
team following the game and decreased in the losing team
Simulated territorial intrusion induces aggressive behaviour BUT
testosterone levels increase after the challenge has ceased and
remain elevated
California mice win in aggressive actions --> hormones
increase so it can win again
White-footed mice has increased win with aggressive
action if given testosterone (vs. saline) --> sets up "winning
"The Winner Effect":
Porn viewership went way done
Fans of winning team: increase porn watching after game
Losing team: smaller increase in porn watching after game
Testosterone levels in men:
Behavioural Control of Hormones: "the challenge hypothesis"
Topic: Sexchange & Fisticuffs in Fish, and the Ecophysiology of Stress
The brain not only controls behaviour; behaviour can also affect
the brain
Males act aggressively to females
Aggressive social environment inhibits aggressive
behaviour in females
Protogynous fish:
Protogyny: sex change from female to male
Largest: alpha males
Large: older females
Small: younger females
Has 3 morphs:
The largest female will then have a function
transformation to male (within days)
If the alpha male is removed from a population, the largest
female displays male behaviour (within hours)
*also known to change from male to female
*see slide
Note: steroid synthesis occurs in the gonads and the
Testosterone can be converted into 11-ketotestosterone via
11beta-HSD (--> male physiology and behaviour) and
estradiol via aromatase (--> female physiology and
Low aromatase activity so T --> KT which
drives aggression and courtship
Dominant Male
High aromatase activity so T-->E2
Large & Small Female
Results in male gonads --> functional
alpha male (results in courtship)
Low aromatase activity (decreases rapidly) so
T--> KT causes male behaviour with high
Brain aromatase activity decreases
Gonad aromatase activity does not differ
Large Female:
With dominant male removed:
Ex. Blue Banded Goby:
Neurosteroids and Behaviour
Output: behaviour, physiology, phenotypic plasticity
Integration: CNS/endocrine glands
Input: physical and social environments
*see slide
Adrenal cortex in mammals/birds
--> glucocorticoids such as cortisol (provides
negative feedback to anterior pituitary and
Interrenal tissue in amphibians and fish
Highly conserved across vertebrates
Corticosterone: birds, rats
Cortisol: primates, fish, mammals
--> mobilize energy stores to fuel fight or flight
Glucocorticoids: stress hormone
Mobilize energy stores to fuel fight or flight
Increased heart rate
Inhibited reproduction
Inhibited digestion
Increased analgesia
Acute stress response (short-term adaptive)
Impotence, anovulation
Peptic ulcers
Chronic stress response (long-term costly)
Traditional Dichotomous Outcomes:
HPA Axis:
Thermal stress hides upstrike in inflammation when
rodents are fed high-cholesterol diet
Atherosclerosis effects from western diet were
not detected because mice at low temperatures
have high inflammation
Masks experimental outcome:
Ex. Chilly cages may skew disease studies in lab mice
Designing Physiological Studies:
Presence of predators have an impact
Higher in tadpoles
Higher in juveniles
No significant difference in stressed juveniles
(already at maximum stress level --> harder to
respond to additional stresses)
Whole-body glucocorticoid levels increases with
predatory biomass
Trunk length was smaller in individuals
exposed to predators or with CORT
--> higher probability of survival in presence of
Tail height was higher in individuals exposed to
predators or with CORT
by changing swimming behaviour + less for
predator to grab
Cost: lower reproductive output (but have
higher survival when young = trade-off)
short and wide tail with predators -higher fitness
Ex. Phenotypic plasticity in amphibian tadpoles
High reproductive
Shorter lifespan
Always have high testosterone
Yes -high CORT & No -low CORT
Males with blue-orange phenotypes (--> directional
No reproductive
Moderate lifespan
Low testosterone
Yes -high CORT
Moderate reproductive
Moderate lifespan
Sedentary satellite
High testosterone
No -low CORT
Males with orange phenotypes (--> disruptive
Ex. Tree lizards -relative plasticity
Adaptive Stress-mediated Responses:
*see slide
Epigenetics: heritable changes in gene expression and
phenotype that are independent of DNA sequence
Female and germ line forming embryo directly
experienced stressor
F0: non-pregnant female exposed to stressor
F1: directly experienced stressor as germ line
F2 & F3: never directly experienced stressor
Example 1:
Pregnant female embryo and embryos germ
line directly experienced stressor
F0: pregnant female exposed to stressor
F1: directly experienced stressor as embryo
F2: directly experiences stressor as germ line
F3: never directly experienced stressor
Example 2:
Shut off stress response quickly
Less anxious
Low maternal glucocorticoids (high GR expression):
Hyper-responsive to stress exposure
Anxiety behaviour
High maternal glucocorticoids (low GR expression):
*therefore GR expression as fetus = adult stress
Prenatal stress in rodents: lasting effect in offspring
High GR expression
Lower peak cortisol, quick stress
Low anxiety behaviour
High maternal behaviour
F1 offspring:
Control (no prenatal stress) --> high maternal
Low GR expression
Hyper-responsive to stress
Anxious as adults
Low maternal behaviour
F1 offspring:
Prenatal stress --> low maternal behaviour
Early life stress --> mother's stress phenotype --> maternal
*see stress-induced changes in maternal gut could
negatively impact offspring for life
High natal philopatry
Ecology well described
Maternal behaviour
Density = stress
Kluane Red Squirrel Project (Yukon)
Early Life Effects:
Ecophysiology of Stress:
Behavioural Neuroendocrinology
Wednesday,+ November+ 8,+2017 12:30+PM
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