CHEM237 Lecture Notes - Lecture 16: Regular Graph, Polysemy, Financial Institution

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- Some nodes connected by edges
- Use a graph to represent many systems such as cities, airports and flights between them
(many systems)
o Directed graphs
Each thing connecting to another thing has one arrow
Can represent more complex things
o A regular graph can be thought of as a connected graph where every line has an
arrow connected both ways
- Spiders/crawlers/robots
o They browse the web and collect information (explores the web looking for web
pages and collecting info.
- Indexing the web
o Focus
Spider targeted on a certain topic
o Politeness
Crawls around websites and is cooperative (follow the instructions of
website and doesn’t barrade the website)
Denial of service attack
Put spiders on different webpages and throw them and completely
overwhelms webpage so people can’t even access it
o Revisit frequency
How often you revisit a webpage to check something
o Paywalls
Subscription needed to get onto websites for example
o Dynamic content
What if a webpage is judging the content you like
Example, go on youtube and they show you videos you like
o Query strings
Exta identifying info showing what content you want to see
- Behind the scenes indexing
o Example on youtube video
o Advanced indexing: semantics
Big and large
Bank (financial institution)
Bank (river bank) …
Can determine which one you want by interpreting the words
around it
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