SOC101 Lecture Notes - Eurocentrism, Social Inequality, Tourist Trap
Document Summary
Describes the worldwide exchange of money, goods and services as well as their socio- cultural changes that occur with increasing trade and human contact. 16th century economic system based on market principles emerged. Demand for more exotic goods increased (spices, tea, silks) Creates vast divides between rich and poor. Multinational corporations that make a lot of money exploiting for profits. Technological change: accelerates globalization, historically, container shipping most important, allows shipment of products, goods and services that were never available in the past. Manipulate society so that the most people are happy but make conditions favorable for the accumulation of capital. Economic change: expanding trade and the emergence of international baking, easy to bank in other countries for the everyday person, international monetary fund, world bank, world trade organization, Berlin wall separating east and west berlin 1969-1989. Separate into zones, people leaving the soviet area. Built the wall to keep people in the eastern section.