GEOG 329 Lecture Notes - Lecture 16: United Nations General Assembly Resolution, Arab Citizens Of Israel, Western Wall

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19 Nov 2017
!"#$%&%' "(' )*(+,' -&%"$-#&%,' .-*(%/"-.0&(&-12' 3(4-*%.-$#.$-&
56/"-.*(.' 78&(' .83(93(1' *:"$.' ;#")"(3<*.3"(;,' .8&2' *-&')""93(1' *.'
;-&=/"%%&%%3"(;' 3(%.&*+
>&*+'."'*'.&#8(3#*)' *//-"*#8' ."'78*.' )*(+' 3%'*:"$.
Economic' Resources ==?' &(%$-&%' .8&' @3*:3)3.2' "4'.8&'%.*.&' *(+'6".3@*.&%'
#")"(3<*.3"(' /-"#&%%&%
Geostrategic+ PositioningA' B8&'4*#.'.8*.'.8&-&'*-&'C5>>D,' 3.'6*9&%'
/&"/)&' 4&&)' %*4&-' E%"' .8&2' *-&'%$--"$(+&+' :2'."/"1-*/82' *(+'
6*9&%' /&"/)&' 4&&)' )39&' .8&2' *-&'"(' ."/F
G3)3.*-2' +"#.-3(&0/-*#.3#&
Strategic' Asset ==?' C"7' #&-.*3(' .83(1%' *-&'$%&+' :2' .8&'(*.3"(' *%'*('
5I&I' %"6&' (*.3@&' /"/$)*.3"(%' 7&-&'*))"#*.&+' .8&3-' JKL':"$(+*-2,'
:$.' +&(3&+' 3(+3@3+$*)' #3.3<&(%83/' E.8&3-' -318.'."'@".&' 3%'*)%"'
Demographic' Container ==?' .8&'#*.&1"-3<*.3"(' "4'+&6"1-*/83#%' 3('"-+&-'
."'#"(.-")' .8&3-'"7(' &)&#."-*)' 1&"1-*/820#"(.-")
B83%' #-&*.&%' L*.3"(*)3%.0D&#.*-3*(' )*(+%#*/&%
B8&%&' %/*#&%' *-&'3(.&-/-&.&+' .8-"$18' *'-&)*.3@&)2' (*--"7'
83%."-3#*)' /&-%/&#.3@&,' .8*.'&6/8*%3<&%' JLO' /&-3"+' "4'"##$/*.3"('
*(+' #$).$-*)' /-*#.3#&%
OI1I' 5%-*&)' ==?' .8&2' 7&(.':*#9' ."'.8&'/&-3"+' "4'P&73%8' #$).$-*)'
/-*#.3#&%,' 13@3(1' 3.'*' 6&*(3(1' "4'*'P&73%8' #$).$-*)' 6*3()*(+
C3%."-3#' *(+' Q&)313"$%' C"6&)*(+' ==?' .8&'7*2' 2"$' #-&*.&')&13.36*.&'
"##$/*.3"(' :2' #)*363(1' .8*.'3.'3%'MR>BRQS>>T' 2"$-' /)*#&' E&@&(' 34' 2"$'
B8&-&' 3%'*'(".3"(' "4' &U#)$%3@&' *..*#86&(.' *(+'3+&(.3.2' 4"-6*.3"('
.8-"$18' &U#)$%3"(' *(+' 3(@*%3"(
;D&)4' 5+&(.3.2;' *(+' B&--3."-3*)' OU#)$%3@3.2' ==?'8"7' +"' 2"$' %8*-&' *'.&--3."-2'
.8*.'8*%' 6$).3/)&' 83%."-3&%' *(+'6$).3/)&' 6&*(3(1%' :&83(+' /&"/)&H'
O%/&#3*))2' 3(' /)*#&%' 78&-&' #"(4)3#.' 3%'+"63(*(.H
B&--3."-3*)' D26:")3%6 ==?'8"7' +"'2"$' &(1*1&'73.8' .8&'-&)*.3"(%83/' :&.7&&('
K8"' 7*%'.8&-&' 43-%.H' ==?'3I&I' 43-%.'(*.3"(%,' .8&2' *-&'-&#"1(3<&+' *%'.8&'
43-%.' /&"/)&' 78"' 7&-&'.8&-&' :&4"-&' 2"$' E+&6"(%.-*.&+' .8-"$18'
*-#8*&")"12' *(+' 83%."-2F
K8"' 7*%'.8&-&' .8&')"(1&%.H
B"'78"' +"&%' .8&'.&--3."-2' 6&*(' .8&'6"%.H
K8"' #*('*%%&-.' &U#)$%3@&' #)*36%' E3(#)$+&+' .8-"$18' 4"-#&FH
C"7' +"'.8&' 1-"$/%' -&)*.&+' ."'&*#8'".8&-' E8"7' *-&'82:-3+'
#*.&1"-3&%' 4"-6&+FH
C"7' %/*#&%' 8*@&' :&&(' /-&@3"$%)2' %8*-&+H' K82' 3%'3.'(".' /"%%3:)&'
V$.'3.'3%' 36/"-.*(.' ."'(".&' .8*.'&U#)$%3@&' #)*36%' *-&'"4.&(' "@&-)""9&+
M"6/&.3(1' B&--3."-3*)' M)*36% ==?'"4.&(' *-.3#$)*.&+' .8-"$18' .8&'4"))"73(1A
Two-States+ SolutionA'K8&('.7"' (*.3"(%' *-&'#"(%3+&-&+' *(+' .8&2' *-&'
*))"#*.&+' .7"'%.*.&%' &*#8
Binational+ SolutionA'O@&-2' #3.3<&('8*%' .8&3-'"7(' -318.%' *(+' #$).$-&,' 3(' *'
6$).3#$).$-*)' %"#3&.2,' *))' )3@3(1' ."1&.8&-
B&--3."-3*)' J##$/*.3"(' *(+' W"/$)*.3"(' M"(.-")
K*2%' ."'&(4"-#&' .&--3."-2 ==?' 78*.'*-&'.8&'%")$.3"(%HN
V-3&4' C3%."-3#*)' J@&-@3&7A' W*)&%.3(&05%-*&)N
O6/3-&' ."'G*(+*.&' ==?' .8&'!-*(#"=V-3.3%8' -$)&'"@&-' /*-.%' "4' .8&'B$-93%8'
&6/3-&' 73.8' *('3%%$&+' 6*(+*.&
Territorial' Partition ==?'X3@3%3"(' "4' W*)&%.3(&' E:&.7&&(' P&73%8' *(+'S-*:F
>&*+'."'Territorial' Sovereignty ==?' .8&'#-&*.3"(' "4'.8&'3(+&/&(+&(.' %.*.&'
"4' 5%-*&)
Territorial' Expansion ==?' 78&-&' .8&'5%-*&)3' 63)3.*-2' .-3$6/8&+' "@&-' S-*:'
%.*.&%' .8-"$18' 7*-
Territorial' Contraction ==?' W&*#&' *1-&&6&(.%' 7&-&' .8&(' &%.*:)3%8&+
M8*(13(1' B&--3."-3*)' M"(431$-*.3"(%' 3(' .8&' YZ.8' M&(.$-2 ==?'.8&-&' 7*%' *'
6*(+*.&' ."' /-".&#.' .8*.' *-&*
B8&'!-*(#"=V-3.3%8=Q$%%3*(' %&#-&.'"-1*(3<*.3"(' %"$18.' ."'+3%6*(.)&' .8&'
B$-93%8' &6/3-&' E*%' *'1"*)' "4'KK5F' ==?'.83%' 3%' :&#*$%&' .8&'V-3.3%8' 7*(.&+'
.8&'!-&(#8' ."'-$)&' .8&'("-.8' "4'B$-93%8,' .8*.'7"$)+' *)%"' 1*3('#"(.-")'
"@&-' .8&'P&73%8' ;(*.3"(*)' 8"6&)*(+;
S-&*%' *-&'.8$%' %$:=+3@3+&+' 3(."' +344&-&(.' 7*2%' ==?'*%'*##"-+3(1' ."'.8&'D29&%=
W3#".' S1-&&6&(.' 3('[\[]
B8&'V-3.3%8' #"(.-"))&+' .8&' &(.3-&' .&--3."-2
S>BCJR^C' P&73%8' *(+' W*)&%.3(3*(' /&"/)&' 7&-&'*:)&' ."'1"'."'.83%' )*(+'
*(+' /$-#8*%&' .83%' )*(+' *%'.8&3-';8"6&;
B83%' 7*%' %"' .8*.'*%'6"-&' /&"/)&' 7&(.' ."':$2' 6"-&' )*(+' 3('.8&'*-&*'SLX'
.8&'%$--"$(+3(1' *-&*%,' .8&'V-3.3%8' 7"$)+' *#.$*))2' 1*3('GJQO'#"(.-")' "4'
GJQO' *##$6$)*.&+' )*(+
R).36*.&)2,' .8&-&' 7&-&'*')".' "4'-&@")$.3"(%' *(+' :"6:3(1%' *1*3(%.'
.8&'V-3.3%8' *-62'*(+'.8&'W*)&%.3(3*(
B8&'V-3.3%8' *-62' /)*2&+' .8&'-")&' "4'*';6&+3*."-;' *1*3(%.' .8&' .7"'
B83%' )&*+' ."'*')".' "4'.&(%3"(%' :&.7&&(' .8&'P&73%8' %&..)&-%' *(+' .8&'
W*)&%.3(3*(' /"/$)*.3"(' ==?'.83%' 3%' :&#*$%&' %"6&' 5%-*&)3;%' 7*(.&+' ."'
&%.*:)3%8' 5%-*&)3' W*)&%.3(3*(%' -*.8&-' .8*('_$%.' W*)&%.3(3*(%
B8$%,' .8&2' #-&*.&+' .7"'/"3(.%,' .8&' WS>ODB5LO' *(+'BQSLDPJQXSL' *-&*%
B83%' )&*+' ."']`'"4' .8&')*(+' "7(&+' :2' P&73%8' &(.3.3&%
V-3.3%8' S+63(3%.-*.3@&' X3@3%3"(' E[\YY=a]FN
S).8"$18' 3.'3%' 36/"-.*(.' ."'(".&' (".' &@&-2"(&' *1-&&+
R).36*.&)2,' *'RL'/*-.3.3"(' "4'W*)&%.3(&' 7*%'&%.*:)3%8&+' 3('[\ab,' 78&-&'
.8&'6*_"-3.2' "4'.8&'W*)&%.3(&' *-&*'7*%'+3@3+&+' :&.7&&(' .8&'SQSV'%.*.&'
*(+' .8&'POK5DC' %.*.&'==?'.83%' 7*%' *1-&&+' 3('.8&'RL' ^&(&-*)' S%%&6:)2'
B83%' *)%"' )&*+' ."'6"-&' #"(4)3#.' *1*3(%.' (&318:"-3(1' #"$(.-3&%' ==?' S-*:=
5%-*&)3' K*-'E[\ac=a\F
RL'W*-.3.3"(' "4' W*)&%.3(&' E[\abFN
S4.&-' .8&'7*-,'3.'*)%"' )&*+' ."'.8&'S-63%.3#&' S1-&&6&(.' E[\a\F' d'M&*%&' !3-&' >3(&'
Israeli' Territorial' Perspective ==?'.8&2' %&&' .8&6%&)@&%' *.'*..*3(3(1'
.&--3."-2' .8-"$18' /-3@*.&' 6&*(%,' .8&3-' .&--3."-2' 9&&/%' &U/*(+3(1
Palestinian' Territorial' Perspective ==?' .8&'-&@&-%&' "4' .8&'5%-*&)3'
/&-%/&#.3@&,' 78&-&' .8&2' %&&' .8&3-' .&--3."-2' :&3(1' )"%.' 1-*+$*))2,' *(+'
78&-&' .8&2' *-&'#"(%3%.&(.)2' $(+&-' 63)3.*-2' #"(.-"),' .8&2' *)%"' 8*@&' *'
8318)2' 4-*16&(.&+' .&--3."-2
X344&-&(.' W&-%/&#.3@&%' "(' B&--3."-2AN
Economic' Resource ==?' .8&')*(+%' *-&'6"-&' 4&-.3)&,' 8&(#&' .8&-&' 3%'6"-&'
&#"("63#' +&@&)"/6&(.' E&%/&#3*))2' 3('.8&'K&%.' V*(9F
Water'Resource ==?' .8&'P"-+*(' 7*.&-'/-"@3+&%' .8&'6*_"-3.2' "4' .8&'7*.&-'
%$//)2,' )&*+3(1' ."'6"-&' *##$6$)*.3"(' "4'P&73%8' #")"(3&%' (&U.' ."'.8&'
Strategic' Asset' (Golan) ==?'.8&' +&%31(*.3"(' "4'*'.*))'."/"1-*/82' *%'
;^")*(' C&318.%;
K8&(' .8&-&' 3%'*'(&&+' ."'+&%3-&' .8&' /"/$)*.3"(' .&--3."-3*))2,' 3('
"-+&-' ."'1*3('*+@*(.*1&
Demographic' Container ==?' 78&-&' .8&' 5%-*&)3' %.*.&'3%'*4-*3+' "4' %&&3(1' *'
W*)&%.3(3*(' 6*_"-3.2' 1*3(3(1' #"(.-"),' 8&(#&' *'+&6"1-*/83#' #"(.*3(&-' 3%'
B8&'7*))' 3%'+&@&)"/&+' 3(' "-+&-' ."'+3%.3(1$3%8' +3@3%3"(' ==?'.83%' 3%' ."'
36/)&6&(.' .8&' 5%-*&)' *$.8"-3.2
B8&-&' *-&'*)%"' %&#$-3.2' 7*))%' *(+' #8&#9/"3(.%' .8-"$18"$.' .8&'
&(.3-&' (*.3"(
S>BCJR^C' .8&-&'7&-&' /")3.3#*)=4-&&' #"--3+"-%' .8*.'&(*:)&+' .8&'
5%-*&)3' *-62' ."'1"'.8-"$18' .8&'W*)&%.3(3*(' (*.3"(,' .83%' *)%"' *#.&+'
*%'*'+3@3+&-' "4'.8&' (*.3"(' 3(."' f'E.8-"$18' .8&'#*.&1"-3&%' "4'
/*-.3*))2' 1"@&-(&+' "-' #"6/)&.&)2' 1"@&-(&+F
Territorial' SymbolismA' B8&'3+&*'.8*.'2"$' 7"$)+' 4318.'$(.3)' .8&'+&*.8' ."'
+&4&(+' 5%-*&),' *)%"' .8&' &%.*:)3%86&(.' "4' .8&' g".&)' E;K&%.&-(' K*));F' *(+'
.8&'S)'Sh%*' 6"%h$&
X344&-&(.' +36&(%3"(%' "4' B&--3."-2' 3(' .8&'5%-*&)=W*)&%.3(3*(' #"(4)3#.AN
B83%' )&*+' ."'*')".' "4'/")3.3#*)' 3(%.*:3)3.2
S)%"' *44&#.&+' $(&6/)"26&(.' 783#8' 3%'+3%/&-%&+' .8-"$18' .8&' K&%.'V*(9'
@&-%$%' .8&' )"#*.3"(%' %$--"$(+3(1' .8&':*--3&-
B8&'+3@3%3"(' )&*+' ."'*'($6:&-' "4'6&*%$-&%' :&3(1' 36/)&6&(.&+' 73.83(' *(+'
*-"$(+' .8&'%$--"$(+3(1' (*.3"(%' ==?'&I1I' #8&#9/"3(.%,' #"(4)3#.%' E.8-"$18'
.&--"-3%6F,' 5%-*&)3' ;3(#$-%3"(%;,' 4&(#&%
Territorial+ Dimensions+ of+the+Arab-Israeli+ Conflict(s)
Lecture' 16'Notes
B8$-%+*2,' Y'L"@&6:&-' YZ[b
\Afi' SG
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!"#$%&%' "(' )*(+,' -&%"$-#&%,' .-*(%/"-.0&(&-12' 3(4-*%.-$#.$-&
56/"-.*(.' 78&(' .83(93(1' *:"$.' ;#")"(3<*.3"(;,' .8&2' *-&')""93(1' *.'
;-&=/"%%&%%3"(;' 3(%.&*+
>&*+'."'*'.&#8(3#*)' *//-"*#8' ."'78*.' )*(+' 3%'*:"$.
Economic' Resources ==?' &(%$-&%' .8&' @3*:3)3.2' "4'.8&'%.*.&' *(+'6".3@*.&%'
#")"(3<*.3"(' /-"#&%%&%
Geostrategic+ PositioningA' B8&'4*#.'.8*.'.8&-&'*-&'C5>>D,' 3.'6*9&%'
/&"/)&' 4&&)' %*4&-' E%"' .8&2' *-&'%$--"$(+&+' :2'."/"1-*/82' *(+'
6*9&%' /&"/)&' 4&&)' )39&' .8&2' *-&'"(' ."/F
G3)3.*-2' +"#.-3(&0/-*#.3#&
Strategic' Asset ==?' C"7' #&-.*3(' .83(1%' *-&'$%&+' :2' .8&'(*.3"(' *%'*('
5I&I' %"6&' (*.3@&' /"/$)*.3"(%' 7&-&'*))"#*.&+' .8&3-' JKL':"$(+*-2,'
:$.' +&(3&+' 3(+3@3+$*)' #3.3<&(%83/' E.8&3-' -318.'."'@".&' 3%'*)%"'
Demographic' Container ==?' .8&'#*.&1"-3<*.3"(' "4'+&6"1-*/83#%' 3('"-+&-'
."'#"(.-")' .8&3-'"7(' &)&#."-*)' 1&"1-*/820#"(.-")
M"(#-&.&' 6*(34&%.*.3"(%' "4' .&--3."-2N
B83%' #-&*.&%' L*.3"(*)3%.0D&#.*-3*(' )*(+%#*/&%
B8&%&' %/*#&%' *-&'3(.&-/-&.&+' .8-"$18' *'-&)*.3@&)2' (*--"7'
83%."-3#*)' /&-%/&#.3@&,' .8*.'&6/8*%3<&%' JLO' /&-3"+' "4'"##$/*.3"('
*(+' #$).$-*)' /-*#.3#&%
OI1I' 5%-*&)' ==?' .8&2' 7&(.':*#9' ."'.8&'/&-3"+' "4'P&73%8' #$).$-*)'
/-*#.3#&%,' 13@3(1' 3.'*' 6&*(3(1' "4'*'P&73%8' #$).$-*)' 6*3()*(+
C3%."-3#' *(+' Q&)313"$%' C"6&)*(+' ==?' .8&'7*2' 2"$' #-&*.&')&13.36*.&'
"##$/*.3"(' :2' #)*363(1' .8*.'3.'3%'MR>BRQS>>T' 2"$-' /)*#&' E&@&(' 34' 2"$'
B8&-&' 3%'*'(".3"(' "4' &U#)$%3@&' *..*#86&(.' *(+'3+&(.3.2' 4"-6*.3"('
.8-"$18' &U#)$%3"(' *(+' 3(@*%3"(
;D&)4' 5+&(.3.2;' *(+' B&--3."-3*)' OU#)$%3@3.2' ==?'8"7' +"' 2"$' %8*-&' *'.&--3."-2'
.8*.'8*%' 6$).3/)&' 83%."-3&%' *(+'6$).3/)&' 6&*(3(1%' :&83(+' /&"/)&H'
O%/&#3*))2' 3(' /)*#&%' 78&-&' #"(4)3#.' 3%'+"63(*(.H
B&--3."-3*)' D26:")3%6 ==?'8"7' +"'2"$' &(1*1&'73.8' .8&'-&)*.3"(%83/' :&.7&&('
K8"' 7*%'.8&-&' 43-%.H' ==?'3I&I' 43-%.'(*.3"(%,' .8&2' *-&'-&#"1(3<&+' *%'.8&'
43-%.' /&"/)&' 78"' 7&-&'.8&-&' :&4"-&' 2"$' E+&6"(%.-*.&+' .8-"$18'
*-#8*&")"12' *(+' 83%."-2F
K8"' 7*%'.8&-&' .8&')"(1&%.H
B"'78"' +"&%' .8&'.&--3."-2' 6&*(' .8&'6"%.H
K8"' #*('*%%&-.' &U#)$%3@&' #)*36%' E3(#)$+&+' .8-"$18' 4"-#&FH
C"7' +"'.8&' 1-"$/%' -&)*.&+' ."'&*#8'".8&-' E8"7' *-&'82:-3+'
#*.&1"-3&%' 4"-6&+FH
C"7' %/*#&%' 8*@&' :&&(' /-&@3"$%)2' %8*-&+H' K82' 3%'3.'(".' /"%%3:)&'
V$.'3.'3%' 36/"-.*(.' ."'(".&' .8*.'&U#)$%3@&' #)*36%' *-&'"4.&(' "@&-)""9&+
M"6/&.3(1' B&--3."-3*)' M)*36% ==?'"4.&(' *-.3#$)*.&+' .8-"$18' .8&'4"))"73(1AN
Two-States+ SolutionA'K8&('.7"' (*.3"(%' *-&'#"(%3+&-&+' *(+' .8&2' *-&'
*))"#*.&+' .7"'%.*.&%' &*#8
Binational+ SolutionA'O@&-2' #3.3<&('8*%' .8&3-'"7(' -318.%' *(+' #$).$-&,' 3('*'
6$).3#$).$-*)' %"#3&.2,' *))' )3@3(1' ."1&.8&-
B&--3."-3*)' J##$/*.3"(' *(+' W"/$)*.3"(' M"(.-")
K*2%' ."'&(4"-#&' .&--3."-2 ==?' 78*.'*-&'.8&'%")$.3"(%HN
V-3&4' C3%."-3#*)' J@&-@3&7A' W*)&%.3(&05%-*&)N
O6/3-&' ."'G*(+*.&' ==?' .8&'!-*(#"=V-3.3%8' -$)&'"@&-' /*-.%' "4' .8&'B$-93%8'
&6/3-&' 73.8' *('3%%$&+' 6*(+*.&
Territorial' Partition ==?'X3@3%3"(' "4' W*)&%.3(&' E:&.7&&(' P&73%8' *(+'S-*:F
>&*+'."'Territorial' Sovereignty ==?' .8&'#-&*.3"(' "4'.8&'3(+&/&(+&(.' %.*.&'
"4' 5%-*&)
Territorial' Expansion ==?' 78&-&' .8&'5%-*&)3' 63)3.*-2' .-3$6/8&+' "@&-' S-*:'
%.*.&%' .8-"$18' 7*-
Territorial' Contraction ==?' W&*#&' *1-&&6&(.%' 7&-&' .8&(' &%.*:)3%8&+
M8*(13(1' B&--3."-3*)' M"(431$-*.3"(%' 3(' .8&' YZ.8' M&(.$-2 ==?'.8&-&' 7*%' *'
6*(+*.&' ."' /-".&#.' .8*.' *-&*
B8&'!-*(#"=V-3.3%8=Q$%%3*(' %&#-&.'"-1*(3<*.3"(' %"$18.' ."'+3%6*(.)&' .8&'
B$-93%8' &6/3-&' E*%' *'1"*)' "4'KK5F' ==?'.83%' 3%' :&#*$%&' .8&'V-3.3%8' 7*(.&+'
.8&'!-&(#8' ."'-$)&' .8&'("-.8' "4'B$-93%8,' .8*.'7"$)+' *)%"' 1*3('#"(.-")'
"@&-' .8&'P&73%8' ;(*.3"(*)' 8"6&)*(+;
S-&*%' *-&'.8$%' %$:=+3@3+&+' 3(."' +344&-&(.' 7*2%' ==?'*%'*##"-+3(1' ."'.8&'D29&%=
W3#".' S1-&&6&(.' 3('[\[]
B8&'V-3.3%8' #"(.-"))&+' .8&' &(.3-&' .&--3."-2
S>BCJR^C' P&73%8' *(+' W*)&%.3(3*(' /&"/)&' 7&-&'*:)&' ."'1"'."'.83%' )*(+'
*(+' /$-#8*%&' .83%' )*(+' *%'.8&3-';8"6&;
B83%' 7*%' %"' .8*.'*%'6"-&' /&"/)&' 7&(.' ."':$2' 6"-&' )*(+' 3('.8&'*-&*'SLX'
.8&'%$--"$(+3(1' *-&*%,' .8&'V-3.3%8' 7"$)+' *#.$*))2' 1*3('GJQO'#"(.-")' "4'
GJQO' *##$6$)*.&+' )*(+
R).36*.&)2,' .8&-&' 7&-&'*')".' "4'-&@")$.3"(%' *(+' :"6:3(1%' *1*3(%.'
.8&'V-3.3%8' *-62'*(+'.8&'W*)&%.3(3*(
B8&'V-3.3%8' *-62' /)*2&+' .8&'-")&' "4'*';6&+3*."-;' *1*3(%.' .8&' .7"'
B83%' )&*+' ."'*')".' "4'.&(%3"(%' :&.7&&(' .8&'P&73%8' %&..)&-%' *(+' .8&'
W*)&%.3(3*(' /"/$)*.3"(' ==?'.83%' 3%' :&#*$%&' %"6&' 5%-*&)3;%' 7*(.&+' ."'
&%.*:)3%8' 5%-*&)3' W*)&%.3(3*(%' -*.8&-' .8*('_$%.' W*)&%.3(3*(%
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V-3.3%8' S+63(3%.-*.3@&' X3@3%3"(' E[\YY=a]FN
S).8"$18' 3.'3%' 36/"-.*(.' ."'(".&' (".' &@&-2"(&' *1-&&+
R).36*.&)2,' *'RL'/*-.3.3"(' "4'W*)&%.3(&' 7*%'&%.*:)3%8&+' 3('[\ab,' 78&-&'
.8&'6*_"-3.2' "4'.8&'W*)&%.3(&' *-&*'7*%'+3@3+&+' :&.7&&(' .8&'SQSV'%.*.&'
*(+' .8&'POK5DC' %.*.&'==?'.83%' 7*%' *1-&&+' 3('.8&'RL' ^&(&-*)' S%%&6:)2'
B83%' *)%"' )&*+' ."'6"-&' #"(4)3#.' *1*3(%.' (&318:"-3(1' #"$(.-3&%' ==?' S-*:=
5%-*&)3' K*-'E[\ac=a\F
RL'W*-.3.3"(' "4' W*)&%.3(&' E[\abFN
S4.&-' .8&'7*-,'3.'*)%"' )&*+' ."'.8&'S-63%.3#&' S1-&&6&(.' E[\a\F' d'M&*%&' !3-&' >3(&'
Israeli' Territorial' Perspective ==?'.8&2' %&&' .8&6%&)@&%' *.'*..*3(3(1'
.&--3."-2' .8-"$18' /-3@*.&' 6&*(%,' .8&3-'.&--3."-2' 9&&/%' &U/*(+3(1
Palestinian' Territorial' Perspective ==?' .8&'-&@&-%&' "4' .8&'5%-*&)3'
/&-%/&#.3@&,' 78&-&' .8&2' %&&' .8&3-' .&--3."-2' :&3(1' )"%.' 1-*+$*))2,' *(+'
78&-&' .8&2' *-&'#"(%3%.&(.)2' $(+&-' 63)3.*-2' #"(.-"),' .8&2' *)%"' 8*@&' *'
8318)2' 4-*16&(.&+' .&--3."-2
X344&-&(.' W&-%/&#.3@&%' "(' B&--3."-2AN
Economic' Resource ==?' .8&')*(+%' *-&'6"-&' 4&-.3)&,' 8&(#&' .8&-&' 3%'6"-&'
&#"("63#' +&@&)"/6&(.' E&%/&#3*))2' 3('.8&'K&%.' V*(9F
Water'Resource ==?' .8&'P"-+*(' 7*.&-'/-"@3+&%' .8&'6*_"-3.2' "4' .8&'7*.&-'
%$//)2,' )&*+3(1' ."'6"-&' *##$6$)*.3"(' "4'P&73%8' #")"(3&%' (&U.' ."'.8&'
Strategic' Asset' (Golan) ==?'.8&' +&%31(*.3"(' "4'*'.*))'."/"1-*/82' *%'
;^")*(' C&318.%;
K8&(' .8&-&' 3%'*'(&&+' ."'+&%3-&' .8&' /"/$)*.3"(' .&--3."-3*))2,' 3('
"-+&-' ."'1*3('*+@*(.*1&
Demographic' Container ==?' 78&-&' .8&' 5%-*&)3' %.*.&'3%'*4-*3+' "4' %&&3(1' *'
W*)&%.3(3*(' 6*_"-3.2' 1*3(3(1' #"(.-"),' 8&(#&' *'+&6"1-*/83#' #"(.*3(&-' 3%'
B8&'7*))' 3%'+&@&)"/&+' 3(' "-+&-' ."'+3%.3(1$3%8' +3@3%3"(' ==?'.83%' 3%' ."'
36/)&6&(.' .8&' 5%-*&)' *$.8"-3.2
B8&-&' *-&'*)%"' %&#$-3.2' 7*))%' *(+' #8&#9/"3(.%' .8-"$18"$.' .8&'
&(.3-&' (*.3"(
S>BCJR^C' .8&-&'7&-&' /")3.3#*)=4-&&' #"--3+"-%' .8*.'&(*:)&+' .8&'
5%-*&)3' *-62' ."'1"'.8-"$18' .8&'W*)&%.3(3*(' (*.3"(,' .83%' *)%"' *#.&+'
*%'*'+3@3+&-' "4'.8&' (*.3"(' 3(."' f'E.8-"$18' .8&'#*.&1"-3&%' "4'
/*-.3*))2' 1"@&-(&+' "-' #"6/)&.&)2' 1"@&-(&+F
Territorial' SymbolismA' B8&'3+&*'.8*.'2"$' 7"$)+' 4318.'$(.3)' .8&'+&*.8' ."'
+&4&(+' 5%-*&),' *)%"' .8&' &%.*:)3%86&(.' "4' .8&' g".&)' E;K&%.&-(' K*));F' *(+'
.8&'S)'Sh%*' 6"%h$&
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B83%' )&*+' ."'*')".' "4'/")3.3#*)' 3(%.*:3)3.2
S)%"' *44&#.&+' $(&6/)"26&(.' 783#8' 3%'+3%/&-%&+' .8-"$18' .8&' K&%.'V*(9'
@&-%$%' .8&' )"#*.3"(%' %$--"$(+3(1' .8&':*--3&-
B8&'+3@3%3"(' )&*+' ."'*'($6:&-' "4'6&*%$-&%' :&3(1' 36/)&6&(.&+' 73.83(' *(+'
*-"$(+' .8&'%$--"$(+3(1' (*.3"(%' ==?'&I1I' #8&#9/"3(.%,' #"(4)3#.%' E.8-"$18'
.&--"-3%6F,' 5%-*&)3' ;3(#$-%3"(%;,' 4&(#&%
Territorial+ Dimensions+ of+the+Arab-Israeli+ Conflict(s)
Lecture' 16'Notes
B8$-%+*2,' Y'L"@&6:&-' YZ[b \Afi' SG
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!"#$%&%' "(' )*(+,' -&%"$-#&%,' .-*(%/"-.0&(&-12' 3(4-*%.-$#.$-&
56/"-.*(.' 78&(' .83(93(1' *:"$.' ;#")"(3<*.3"(;,' .8&2' *-&')""93(1' *.'
;-&=/"%%&%%3"(;' 3(%.&*+
>&*+'."'*'.&#8(3#*)' *//-"*#8' ."'78*.' )*(+' 3%'*:"$.
Economic' Resources ==?' &(%$-&%' .8&' @3*:3)3.2' "4'.8&'%.*.&' *(+'6".3@*.&%'
#")"(3<*.3"(' /-"#&%%&%
Geostrategic+ PositioningA' B8&'4*#.'.8*.'.8&-&'*-&'C5>>D,' 3.'6*9&%'
/&"/)&' 4&&)' %*4&-' E%"' .8&2' *-&'%$--"$(+&+' :2'."/"1-*/82' *(+'
6*9&%' /&"/)&' 4&&)' )39&' .8&2' *-&'"(' ."/F
G3)3.*-2' +"#.-3(&0/-*#.3#&
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5I&I' %"6&' (*.3@&' /"/$)*.3"(%' 7&-&'*))"#*.&+' .8&3-' JKL':"$(+*-2,'
:$.' +&(3&+' 3(+3@3+$*)' #3.3<&(%83/' E.8&3-' -318.'."'@".&' 3%'*)%"'
Demographic' Container ==?' .8&'#*.&1"-3<*.3"(' "4'+&6"1-*/83#%' 3('"-+&-'
."'#"(.-")' .8&3-'"7(' &)&#."-*)' 1&"1-*/820#"(.-")
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83%."-3#*)' /&-%/&#.3@&,' .8*.'&6/8*%3<&%' JLO' /&-3"+' "4'"##$/*.3"('
*(+' #$).$-*)' /-*#.3#&%
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/-*#.3#&%,' 13@3(1' 3.'*' 6&*(3(1' "4'*'P&73%8' #$).$-*)' 6*3()*(+
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B8&-&' 3%'*'(".3"(' "4' &U#)$%3@&' *..*#86&(.' *(+'3+&(.3.2' 4"-6*.3"('
.8-"$18' &U#)$%3"(' *(+' 3(@*%3"(
;D&)4' 5+&(.3.2;' *(+' B&--3."-3*)' OU#)$%3@3.2' ==?'8"7' +"' 2"$' %8*-&' *'.&--3."-2'
.8*.'8*%' 6$).3/)&' 83%."-3&%' *(+'6$).3/)&' 6&*(3(1%' :&83(+' /&"/)&H'
O%/&#3*))2' 3(' /)*#&%' 78&-&' #"(4)3#.' 3%'+"63(*(.H
B&--3."-3*)' D26:")3%6 ==?'8"7' +"'2"$' &(1*1&'73.8' .8&'-&)*.3"(%83/' :&.7&&('
K8"' 7*%'.8&-&' 43-%.H' ==?'3I&I' 43-%.'(*.3"(%,' .8&2' *-&'-&#"1(3<&+' *%'.8&'
43-%.' /&"/)&' 78"' 7&-&'.8&-&' :&4"-&' 2"$' E+&6"(%.-*.&+' .8-"$18'
*-#8*&")"12' *(+' 83%."-2F
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K8"' #*('*%%&-.' &U#)$%3@&' #)*36%' E3(#)$+&+' .8-"$18' 4"-#&FH
C"7' +"'.8&' 1-"$/%' -&)*.&+' ."'&*#8'".8&-' E8"7' *-&'82:-3+'
#*.&1"-3&%' 4"-6&+FH
C"7' %/*#&%' 8*@&' :&&(' /-&@3"$%)2' %8*-&+H' K82' 3%'3.'(".' /"%%3:)&'
V$.'3.'3%' 36/"-.*(.' ."'(".&' .8*.'&U#)$%3@&' #)*36%' *-&'"4.&(' "@&-)""9&+
M"6/&.3(1' B&--3."-3*)' M)*36% ==?'"4.&(' *-.3#$)*.&+' .8-"$18' .8&'4"))"73(1AN
Two-States+ SolutionA'K8&('.7"' (*.3"(%' *-&'#"(%3+&-&+' *(+' .8&2' *-&'
*))"#*.&+' .7"'%.*.&%' &*#8
Binational+ SolutionA'O@&-2' #3.3<&('8*%' .8&3-'"7(' -318.%' *(+' #$).$-&,' 3('*'
6$).3#$).$-*)' %"#3&.2,' *))' )3@3(1' ."1&.8&-
B&--3."-3*)' J##$/*.3"(' *(+' W"/$)*.3"(' M"(.-")
K*2%' ."'&(4"-#&' .&--3."-2 ==?' 78*.'*-&'.8&'%")$.3"(%H
V-3&4' C3%."-3#*)' J@&-@3&7A' W*)&%.3(&05%-*&)
O6/3-&' ."'G*(+*.&' ==?' .8&'!-*(#"=V-3.3%8' -$)&'"@&-' /*-.%' "4' .8&'B$-93%8'
&6/3-&' 73.8' *('3%%$&+' 6*(+*.&
Territorial' Partition ==?'X3@3%3"(' "4' W*)&%.3(&' E:&.7&&(' P&73%8' *(+'S-*:F
>&*+'."'Territorial' Sovereignty ==?' .8&'#-&*.3"(' "4'.8&'3(+&/&(+&(.' %.*.&'
"4' 5%-*&)
Territorial' Expansion ==?' 78&-&' .8&'5%-*&)3' 63)3.*-2' .-3$6/8&+' "@&-' S-*:'
%.*.&%' .8-"$18' 7*-
Territorial' Contraction ==?' W&*#&' *1-&&6&(.%' 7&-&' .8&(' &%.*:)3%8&+
M8*(13(1' B&--3."-3*)' M"(431$-*.3"(%' 3(' .8&' YZ.8' M&(.$-2 ==?'.8&-&' 7*%' *'
6*(+*.&' ."' /-".&#.' .8*.' *-&*
B8&'!-*(#"=V-3.3%8=Q$%%3*(' %&#-&.'"-1*(3<*.3"(' %"$18.' ."'+3%6*(.)&' .8&'
B$-93%8' &6/3-&' E*%' *'1"*)' "4'KK5F' ==?'.83%' 3%' :&#*$%&' .8&'V-3.3%8' 7*(.&+'
.8&'!-&(#8' ."'-$)&' .8&'("-.8' "4'B$-93%8,' .8*.'7"$)+' *)%"' 1*3('#"(.-")'
"@&-' .8&'P&73%8' ;(*.3"(*)' 8"6&)*(+;
S-&*%' *-&'.8$%' %$:=+3@3+&+' 3(."' +344&-&(.' 7*2%' ==?'*%'*##"-+3(1' ."'.8&'D29&%=
W3#".' S1-&&6&(.' 3('[\[]
B8&'V-3.3%8' #"(.-"))&+' .8&' &(.3-&' .&--3."-2
S>BCJR^C' P&73%8' *(+' W*)&%.3(3*(' /&"/)&' 7&-&'*:)&' ."'1"'."'.83%' )*(+'
*(+' /$-#8*%&' .83%' )*(+' *%'.8&3-';8"6&;
B83%' 7*%' %"' .8*.'*%'6"-&' /&"/)&' 7&(.' ."':$2' 6"-&' )*(+' 3('.8&'*-&*'SLX'
.8&'%$--"$(+3(1' *-&*%,' .8&'V-3.3%8' 7"$)+' *#.$*))2' 1*3('GJQO'#"(.-")' "4'
GJQO' *##$6$)*.&+' )*(+
R).36*.&)2,' .8&-&' 7&-&'*')".' "4'-&@")$.3"(%' *(+' :"6:3(1%' *1*3(%.'
.8&'V-3.3%8' *-62'*(+'.8&'W*)&%.3(3*(
B8&'V-3.3%8' *-62' /)*2&+' .8&'-")&' "4'*';6&+3*."-;' *1*3(%.' .8&' .7"'
B83%' )&*+' ."'*')".' "4'.&(%3"(%' :&.7&&(' .8&'P&73%8' %&..)&-%' *(+' .8&'
W*)&%.3(3*(' /"/$)*.3"(' ==?'.83%' 3%' :&#*$%&' %"6&' 5%-*&)3;%' 7*(.&+' ."'
&%.*:)3%8' 5%-*&)3' W*)&%.3(3*(%' -*.8&-' .8*('_$%.' W*)&%.3(3*(%
B8$%,' .8&2' #-&*.&+' .7"'/"3(.%,' .8&' WS>ODB5LO' *(+'BQSLDPJQXSL' *-&*%
B83%' )&*+' ."']`'"4' .8&')*(+' "7(&+' :2' P&73%8' &(.3.3&%
V-3.3%8' S+63(3%.-*.3@&' X3@3%3"(' E[\YY=a]FN
S).8"$18' 3.'3%' 36/"-.*(.' ."'(".&' (".' &@&-2"(&' *1-&&+
R).36*.&)2,' *'RL'/*-.3.3"(' "4'W*)&%.3(&' 7*%'&%.*:)3%8&+' 3('[\ab,' 78&-&'
.8&'6*_"-3.2' "4'.8&'W*)&%.3(&' *-&*'7*%'+3@3+&+' :&.7&&(' .8&'SQSV'%.*.&'
*(+' .8&'POK5DC' %.*.&'==?'.83%' 7*%' *1-&&+' 3('.8&'RL' ^&(&-*)' S%%&6:)2'
B83%' *)%"' )&*+' ."'6"-&' #"(4)3#.' *1*3(%.' (&318:"-3(1' #"$(.-3&%' ==?' S-*:=
5%-*&)3' K*-'E[\ac=a\F
RL'W*-.3.3"(' "4' W*)&%.3(&' E[\abFN
S4.&-' .8&'7*-,'3.'*)%"' )&*+' ."'.8&'S-63%.3#&' S1-&&6&(.' E[\a\F' d'M&*%&' !3-&' >3(&'
Israeli' Territorial' Perspective ==?'.8&2' %&&' .8&6%&)@&%' *.'*..*3(3(1'
.&--3."-2' .8-"$18' /-3@*.&' 6&*(%,' .8&3-' .&--3."-2' 9&&/%' &U/*(+3(1
Palestinian' Territorial' Perspective ==?' .8&'-&@&-%&' "4' .8&'5%-*&)3'
/&-%/&#.3@&,' 78&-&' .8&2' %&&' .8&3-' .&--3."-2' :&3(1' )"%.' 1-*+$*))2,' *(+'
78&-&' .8&2' *-&'#"(%3%.&(.)2' $(+&-' 63)3.*-2' #"(.-"),' .8&2' *)%"' 8*@&' *'
8318)2' 4-*16&(.&+' .&--3."-2
X344&-&(.' W&-%/&#.3@&%' "(' B&--3."-2AN
Economic' Resource ==?' .8&')*(+%' *-&'6"-&' 4&-.3)&,' 8&(#&' .8&-&' 3%'6"-&'
&#"("63#' +&@&)"/6&(.' E&%/&#3*))2' 3('.8&'K&%.' V*(9F
Water'Resource ==?' .8&'P"-+*(' 7*.&-'/-"@3+&%' .8&'6*_"-3.2' "4' .8&'7*.&-'
%$//)2,' )&*+3(1' ."'6"-&' *##$6$)*.3"(' "4'P&73%8' #")"(3&%' (&U.' ."'.8&'
Strategic' Asset' (Golan) ==?'.8&' +&%31(*.3"(' "4'*'.*))'."/"1-*/82' *%'
;^")*(' C&318.%;
K8&(' .8&-&' 3%'*'(&&+' ."'+&%3-&' .8&' /"/$)*.3"(' .&--3."-3*))2,' 3('
"-+&-' ."'1*3('*+@*(.*1&
Demographic' Container ==?' 78&-&' .8&' 5%-*&)3' %.*.&'3%'*4-*3+' "4' %&&3(1' *'
W*)&%.3(3*(' 6*_"-3.2' 1*3(3(1' #"(.-"),' 8&(#&' *'+&6"1-*/83#' #"(.*3(&-' 3%'
B8&'7*))' 3%'+&@&)"/&+' 3(' "-+&-' ."'+3%.3(1$3%8' +3@3%3"(' ==?'.83%' 3%' ."'
36/)&6&(.' .8&' 5%-*&)' *$.8"-3.2
B8&-&' *-&'*)%"' %&#$-3.2' 7*))%' *(+' #8&#9/"3(.%' .8-"$18"$.' .8&'
&(.3-&' (*.3"(
S>BCJR^C' .8&-&'7&-&' /")3.3#*)=4-&&' #"--3+"-%' .8*.'&(*:)&+' .8&'
5%-*&)3' *-62' ."'1"'.8-"$18' .8&'W*)&%.3(3*(' (*.3"(,' .83%' *)%"' *#.&+'
*%'*'+3@3+&-' "4'.8&' (*.3"(' 3(."' f'E.8-"$18' .8&'#*.&1"-3&%' "4'
/*-.3*))2' 1"@&-(&+' "-' #"6/)&.&)2' 1"@&-(&+F
Territorial' SymbolismA' B8&'3+&*'.8*.'2"$' 7"$)+' 4318.'$(.3)' .8&'+&*.8' ."'
+&4&(+' 5%-*&),' *)%"' .8&' &%.*:)3%86&(.' "4' .8&' g".&)' E;K&%.&-(' K*));F' *(+'
.8&'S)'Sh%*' 6"%h$&
X344&-&(.' +36&(%3"(%' "4' B&--3."-2' 3(' .8&'5%-*&)=W*)&%.3(3*(' #"(4)3#.AN
B83%' )&*+' ."'*')".' "4'/")3.3#*)' 3(%.*:3)3.2
S)%"' *44&#.&+' $(&6/)"26&(.' 783#8' 3%'+3%/&-%&+' .8-"$18' .8&' K&%.'V*(9'
@&-%$%' .8&' )"#*.3"(%' %$--"$(+3(1' .8&':*--3&-
B8&'+3@3%3"(' )&*+' ."'*'($6:&-' "4'6&*%$-&%' :&3(1' 36/)&6&(.&+' 73.83(' *(+'
*-"$(+' .8&'%$--"$(+3(1' (*.3"(%' ==?'&I1I' #8&#9/"3(.%,' #"(4)3#.%' E.8-"$18'
.&--"-3%6F,' 5%-*&)3' ;3(#$-%3"(%;,' 4&(#&%
Territorial+ Dimensions+ of+the+Arab-Israeli+ Conflict(s)
Lecture' 16'Notes
B8$-%+*2,' Y'L"@&6:&-' YZ[b \Afi' SG
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Document Summary

Economic resources --> ensures the viability of the state and motivates colonization processes. Important when thinking about "colonization", they are looking at. Lead to a technical approach to what land is about. Geostrategic positioning: the fact that there are hills, it makes people feel safer (so they are surrounded by topography and makes people feel like they are on top) Demographic container --> the categorization of demographics in order to control their own electoral geography/control. I. e. some native populations were allocated their own boundary, but denied individual citizenship (their right to vote is also denied) Territorial symbolism --> how do you engage with the relationship between. Historic and religious homeland --> the way you create legitimate occupation by claiming that it is culturally your place (even if you can"t trace it genetically) These spaces are interpreted through a relatively narrow historical perspective, that emphasizes one period of occupation and cultural practices.

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