BIO 1130 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Andreas Vesalius, Hippocratic Corpus, Castoridae

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BIO 1130 Full Course Notes
BIO 1130 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Darwin - didn"t have the mechanism of inheritance. Forms and manifestation of life and their existence. 400bce - 450ce: greek and roman ages. Roman empower : over extended themselves and came to an end. -16th- 18th century : renaissance and the scienti c revolution: darwin and evolutionary thought (late 1800"s - mid 1900"s, modern theory of evolution and more (mid 1900"s - present) Four ages of sand: first - telescope 1608, second - microscope 1678, third - computer chip 1961, fourth - ner optics 1980s. Puts in place the beginning of biology. Organization (ladder of life scala natura: man (best organism, mammals, cute (whales, ovipara (lay eggs, malacia, malacostrca, entoma ( sh, etc. Catalog of all usual plant in the world. Bre: bre of wood is good for building things. Some initial de nitions about naming - taking a mix of things that are different and then try to. Nd order: classi cation -organizing, taxonomy- rules to organizing.