BIO 1130 Lecture Notes - Lecture 19: Phanerozoic, Geologic Time Scale, Late Heavy Bombardment

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BIO 1130 Full Course Notes
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The earth is approximately 4,500 million years old but multicellular life only rose 500 million (cid:455)ea(cid:396)s ago. The fi(cid:396)st eo(cid:374) i(cid:374) ea(cid:396)th"s history is the hadean and this was a very violent time in its history. Continuous bombardment and a molten planet gave way to the oceans as the earth cooled and the crust solidified. The atmosphere was unlike that of todays with the most notable exception being the absence of oxygen. Laboratory experiments have demonstrated that lightening and volcanic gases reacted and created a prebiotic soup of simple organic compounds that was supplemented by the same compounds from deep sea hydrothermal vents and even from meteorite materials. The(cid:396)e"s been no problem building most of the monomers for more complex molecules like protein and lipid; the problem is no one has been able to synthesize the required nucleotides for rna or.