BIO 1140 Lecture Notes - Lecture 16: Aminoacyl Trna Synthetase, Aminoacyltransferase, Stop Codon

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How we read the sequence of nucleotides, how the ribosome does that. How we assemble the aa together in order to form a protein. We have been talking about dna directed rna synthesis. Today mrna directed to protein synthesis. When the rna copy is complete it snakes out to the outer part of the cell forms a ribosome. Translate the genetic info in the rna into protein. Special transfer molecules bring aa to the ribosomes the aa attach to the transfer molecules. Different transfer molecule for each 20 aa, each transfer molecule carries are three letter code that matches to the rna in the machine. Inside the ribosome the rna is pulled through like a tape, and the code for each aa is read in 3 letters, and matched to three corresponding molecules on the transfer molecules. When the right transfer molecule plugs in, the aa that is carried is added to the protein chain.