BIO 1140 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Lipid Raft, Sphingolipid, Phospholipid

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#1 made with 4 carbon atom rings and a hydrocarbon chain. Varying in length, this is the only primary messenger that has an extracellular receptor. This class of messengers is: purines, amines, steroids, proteins. #2 describe a lipid raft, and discuss what advantages they provide in the context of cell signaling. Section of phospholipid membrane enriched in sphingolipids (longer, saturated fatty acid chains) and cholesterol. Micro domain with different structural and fluidity properties. The structural properties of sphingolipids allow for large/long transmembrane proteins for cellular signaling. Example: receptors gpi or fatty acid anchored proteins. #3 name and compare the 6 messenger classes use 1 structural/molecular element to recognize them, and 1 defining characteristic in terms of communication path or receptor binding. Packaged in vesicles as inactive proteins and then activated by enzymatic cleavage.