BIO 3302 Lecture Notes - Lecture 21: Metabolic Alkalosis, Respiratory Acidosis, Rainbow Trout

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AVT goes up (non
mammalian ADH) reabsorption of water from distal tubule
Water uptake across pelvic patch
Bladder reabsorption and reduce filtration at glomerulus
A frog becomes dehydrated ( blood osmo rises) hat is the hormonal response? What responses are triggered by hormone?
Sim effect in diving animals when recovering from anaerobic dive.
pH changes with addition of acid in blood
Walls of stomach secrete acid
Can also have alkalosis
CO@ levels go up and get acid respiradosis bc interact with water and release H+ and increase pH
Respiratory alkalosis by hyperventilating, increase O2 intake.
Recall CO2+ H2O HCO3-+ H+
Respiratory compensation
adjustments of PCO
(via breathing)
Metabolic compensation
direct adjustments of H
and/or HCO
(via gills, kidney or skin)
To correct an acidosis ([H
] too high)
Compensation for acid
base disturbances
Co2 levels fall when breathing a lot
Blowing off co2 and lowering proton
levels and brief alkalosis.
LEC 19
Acid Base Balance
November 24, 2016 1:14 PM
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“Blow off” CO
: CO
-+ H+= hyperventilating (lowering H+ levels)
Accumulate HCO
and/or excrete H
To correct an acidosis ([H
] too high)
Retain CO2: CO2 HCO3-+ H+
Excrete HCO
and/or accumulate H
To correct an alkalosis ([HCO
] too high)
Increase pH, respiratory acidosis
Excrete bicarbs via urine to compensate
No low o2 levels driving you to breathe.
Decrease breathing?
The hyperventilation experienced by a human at high altitude
Metabolic alkalosis
Vomiting and lose acid in stomach, make more acid and add to stomach
Constant addition of bicarbs to body
To fix:
Prolonged, severe vomiting (hint
acid is added to the stomach in digestion)
Respiratory acidosis
Will slow breathing, accumulate CO2
Increase ventilation but high o2 stimulus so not likely
Correction: acid secreting cells
Exposure of a rainbow trout to hyperoxic water (high O
Describe the acid
base disturbance caused by each of the following situations as (1) an acidosis or alkalosis and (2)
metabolic or respiratory. How could each one be corrected?
base disturbances
a bit of practice
Differ in reliance on respiratory compensation
Differ in primary organ for metabolic compensation
Alter ventilation
During acidosis, HCO
is retained by enhancing HCO
reabsorption by the nephron
Rely on HCO
adjustment via the kidney
Compensation for acid
base disturbances: tetrapod's vs fish
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Water breathers tend not to use respiratory compensation and rely on metabolic at gill
Kidney is supporting role
Co2 in animals already very low bc envt low o2 levels
Breathe a lot and body co2 levels very low
Increase vent, not much room to further lower co2, so rely on metabolic
Metabolic occurs through acid secreting MEC and base secreting MR cell also for cl uptake.
Gill more impt in metabolic compensation.
They can be in conflict.
Na uptake can interfere with lowering basicity.
Maintain acid
base and ion balance.
Why must N
be excreted?
Nitrogenous base of DNA and amino acids
N removed to get a carbon skeleton to make other molecules
Need to get rid of this.
Leaves behind n2 which is bad bc forms nh3 which is a neurotoxin
Where does n2 come from?
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Document Summary

Avt goes up (non-mammalian adh) reabsorption of water from distal tubule. Accumulate lactic acid that"s released into blood stream and caused metabolic acidosis ph changes with addition of acid in blood. Sim effect in diving animals when recovering from anaerobic dive. Co@ levels go up and get acid respiradosis bc interact with water and release h+ and increase ph. Blowing off co2 and lowering proton levels and brief alkalosis. Recall co2 + h2o hco3- + h+ Respiratory compensation adjustments of pco2 (via breathing) Metabolic compensation direct adjustments of h+ and/or hco3- (via gills, kidney or skin) Blow off co2: co2 hco3- + h+ = hyperventilating (lowering h+ levels) Describe the acid-base disturbance caused by each of the following situations as (1) an acidosis or alkalosis and (2) metabolic or respiratory. The hyperventilation experienced by a human at high altitude. No low o2 levels driving you to breathe. Prolonged, severe vomiting (hint acid is added to the stomach in digestion)