PSY 3121 Lecture Notes - Amniotic Fluid, Bipolar Disorder, Agoraphobia

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PSY3121A Dr. Mary-Theresa Howard
Health and Reproduction 04.06.18
Sexuality plays a part in reproduction
i.e lesbian couple process of having a child vs. gay couple process of having a child
many different contraceptive methods for women, less contraceptive methods for men (less common)
o attitudes towards abortion are pro-life in Canada; illegal for many decades in Canada, made legal
if approved by abortion committee
o most abortions are done outside of hospitals now in clinics, started with Morgantaler
o law in ON that restricts the entry of protestors around abortion clinics
educating women regarding reproductive freedom and rights; many laws restrict women
o no law dealing with embryos that are not used donate to others? Used for scientific research?
o Amniotic fluid is the richest source of stem cells doctors would grab stem cells from the
aioti fluid ithout other’s approal o la goerig this aste produt
o Gatekeepers prevented women from getting contraceptives; needed parents consent
o Childbearing and marriage laws no law restricting the youngest age for a woman to have a child
Mental Health
Medical Model is based on disease defined by DSM which states all normal and abnormal behaviour
Definition and classification of abnormal behaviour is constantly changing
Classification based on the criteria to be considered an abnormal behaviour
Personality disorder paranoid, antisocial, narcissistic, and schizoid (like working with comp, not social) more
commonly diagnosed in men; borderline, histrionic (hysteria), and dependent more commonly diagnosed in
Mood disorders major depression and dysthymic more commonly diagnosed in women but could be b/c more
women seek help; bipolar disorder is no difference
Anxiety disorder panic without agoraphobia more common in women; agoraphobia and specific phobias more
common in women; OCD and post traumatic stress is no difference
Schizophrenia more common in women (general population), more men diagnosed within clinical population
Eating Disorders idolized body images change with time
Anorexia is a thought distortion about body image; not about being too thin
o Affets odys ioheistry ad iterfere ith deelopet; a ause ardia arrest, o fat to
make estrogen and lose their menstrual cycle (anemic)
Bulimia is a loss of control, over eating, excessive exercise, use laxatives, purging, etc.
o Commonly discovered by dentists who see scratches in their mouths, and damage to teeth
Substance abuse
Tabacco rates of women who are smoking addicts are increasing and starting at an earlier age
o More women are dying from lung cancer than any other cancer
Alcohol abuse is increasing in women affects bone structure, liver, blood pressure
Women are more prone to drug abuse partly b/c of over prescription of medication, and increase
participation of women in the use of other drugs
o Women have longer waiting lists to see doctors than men
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